UNH: Student Experiences of Learning Software (Blue) - Data Integrity Gateway (DIG) - Handling Low Enrollment Courses

Task: This article is intended for Student Experiences of Learning (SEL) Coordinators. This article will describe how to handle course surveys for a course with low enrollment


If the course can be cross-listed with another or another section of that course, the system will take the sum total of all cross-listed courses as its student count.

Student Experiences of Learning Software (Blue) - Data Integrity Gateway (DIG)-Cross-Listing Courses


Handling Low Enrollment Courses

UNH defines low enrollment as less than 6 students in a course. For more information about this see Student Experiences of Learning policies and procedures.

Courses that come into the DIG with less than 6 students will be automatically set to Evaluate = No.  Consideration for course enrollment in the survey process includes verifying if the course can be cross-listed with another course within Blue. If it can and the combined enrollment sum meets the 6 or more criteria then it no longer is considered low enrollment and a survey invitation will be sent to students in the cross listed courses.

Student Experience Options aside of Blue:

Below are some questions to include:

1. Your year, major and (if desired) your expected grade
2. What did you learn in this course, and did it meet your expectations? Why or why not?
3. What aspects of the course were effective in helping you master the material? You may wish to choose a class session that was most inspiring and discuss why.
4. What aspects of the course would you suggest the instructor reconsider in future iterations? You may wish to
choose a class session that you found less successful than others and explain.
5. Further feedback for the course.


If faculty members would still like to have a course that does not meet the minimum enrollment (6) they can request through their college/department to have an ad-hoc process run to gather information such as a Quatrics survey or other process.  These will not be official but would allow the college/department to gather information.  Exceptions cannot be made through Blue Evaluations for this process.

Student Experiences of Learning Software-Blue: How to Import Student Survey of Teaching Template

Paper Form:

Faculty can use paper forms if needed.  Your Dean's Office has a copy of a PDF survey that you may also use. Please contact them directly for access.

Courses that were marked as "Evaluate = No" can not be changed to "Evaluate = Yes" once the surveys have opened.  In the event that a course should have been set to be surveyed but was not updated to Evaluate = Yes during the DIG process, the information below can be used by Instructors to have students provide course feedback outside of Blue.


Users will have options to get courses evaluated if they do not meet the minimum threshold of 5 or more students.

Further reading:

Student Experiences of Learning Software-Blue-Data Integrity Gateway (DIG)-Cross-Listing Courses


Need additional help?

Please fill out the Student Experiences of Learning Webform with as much detail as possible, or contact the Technology Help Desk on your local campus.

For additional Training please visit the Teaching and Learning Technologies Training Website.


Article ID: 1519
Fri 7/19/19 6:09 PM
Thu 4/4/24 12:32 PM
Applicable Institution(s):
University of New Hampshire (UNH)