UNH - myElements: Faculty Activity Reporting (FAR) - Submitting the Assessment Document

Task: This article explains how faculty submit their assessment document (FAR) to their department chair once all their recent activity has been updated.

NOTE: Video is a representation of the process. Visual depictions will be slightly different.


Submitting the Assessment Document

myElements application is capable of producing and distributing a digital form of the assessment document for the Faculty Activity Reporting process to your department chair.

You can Export to Word or PDF at any time in the process ( recommended for future use of reports) . When you are finished adding your activities you will need to Move to Department Review/Move to Department Chair

department review

  1. Click Move to Department Review/Move to Department Chair

  2. Confirm that all your relevant activities have been added

  3. Click Move to Department Review 

    1. NOTE: Once your assessment document is moved to department review it is not editable. The reviewer must send it back if it requires edits. Email notifications will be generated as the document moves through the review process. A gray indication bar will be displayed at the top of the reporting area that states the document cannot be updated. Below the title of the report it will also state where it is in the process. ie. Department or College review

    2. NOTE:  Be sure to generate the report in your prefered file format before submitting to have a copy for your own records.


Faculty should be able to submit their assessment document (FAR) to their department chair.


Need additional help?

Please fill out the myElements webform with as much detail as possible, or contact the Technology Help Desk on your local campus.

For additional training, see the Teaching and Learning Technologies training calendar.

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Article ID: 1568
Fri 7/19/19 6:11 PM
Mon 2/5/24 9:46 AM
Applicable Institution(s):
University of New Hampshire (UNH)