Canvas: Use Moderate Classic Quiz to give student extra attempts


This article describes how to moderate a Classic Quiz in Canvas.


Canvas - Moderate a Classic Quiz

Once a quiz has been published the quiz sidebar displays a Moderate Quiz link which allows you to moderate the quiz settings.  The Moderate Quiz report allows you to view the progress of the quiz activity.  You can grant students additional time, extra attempts and manually unlock quiz attempts.

The Moderate Tool allows the teacher to view student usage data.  In addition, you can give students extra attempts or extra time to complete the quiz and manually unlock quiz attempts.

  • Give extra attempts
  • Extra time for a single attempt
  • Manually unlock quiz
  • Number of attempts
  • Time student took to complete the quiz
  • Attempts left  (if applicable)
  • Score achieved

How do I moderate a Quiz?

  1. Navigate to the quiz you want moderate. 
  2. Click the Moderate This Quiz on the top right corner.
  3. Locate the student you want to moderate and select the Edit (pencil icon) to moderate the quiz.
  4. In the Student Extension window, enter the number of attempts.
  5. Check the "Manually unlock the quiz for the next attempt."   You will want to check this box if the quiz is closed.

If you want to give multiple students extra time, then check the box next to each student's name.  You will see a link to "Change Extensions for 2 selected students", click on the link to update the setting.

The student can now access the quiz and they will be able to restart the quiz from the beginning.  Their previously submitted quiz questions and answer will not be available in this quiz attempt.  The students will be restarting the quiz from the beginning.


Users can expect to understand how to moderate a quiz on canvas to give students extra attempts.

Further reading:

  • How do I use the Moderate Quiz option?

  • How can I give my students extra time?

  • How do I manually submit a student quiz?


Need additional help?

Please use this link to the Technology Help Desk to locate your local campus contact information.

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Article ID: 1619
Fri 7/19/19 6:13 PM
Wed 7/10/24 4:46 PM
Applicable Institution(s):
Keene State College (KSC)
Plymouth State University (PSU)
University of New Hampshire (UNH)