Canvas: Assignments User Guide


The assignment tool can be used for various types of assessments; online submissions, in-class participation, paper submissions. You can also set the option to have it graded or un-graded, set the display points, and assign a due date.  The Speedgrader allows you to grade submissions online and provide feedback to students. 

Below is a list of articles that will help you get started with using the Assignment tool in your course.


Setup up Assignments
When adding an Assignment the Submission Type can be set to allow for students to submit online, in-class or no submission. Regardless of the Submission Type, a gradebook column is created allowing you to enter grades.

Weighting Grades

To setup weighted grades, go to Assignments and enable the Assignment Groups Weight. Once you have enabled the weighted grades option, then you add an Assignment Group for each of the Weighted Groups. Check out the articles below for more details.

Grading the Assignment

The Speedgrader is an inline grading tool that also provides functionality to annotate submissions online. The Speedgrader is also linked to your Rubric, if you are using one, so you can quickly add points from the Rubric.

The Peer Review option allows students to see the Speedgrader to review the other student's paper.  If you are also using the Peer Review option in Assignments, and have set the comments to be anonymous, then the DocView Mark-up tools are not available in the Speedgrader. For details, see the Canvas guide article "How do I create a peer review assignment?".

Need additional help?

Please use this link to the Technology Help Desk to locate your local campus contact information.  Use the “Submit a Question” for your campus to enter an online support request. 

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Article ID: 1631
Fri 7/19/19 6:14 PM
Tue 6/4/24 4:47 PM
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Plymouth State University (PSU)
University of New Hampshire (UNH)