Canvas: Assign Due Date for one student or group

Task: This article describes how to assign a quiz or assignment due date to one student in Canvas.


By default assessments are assigned to all students "Everyone" in the course.  There are occasions when individual students, student groups or course sections require their own Due Date and/or time.  These instructions show you how to assign multiple Due Dates within an assessment while leaving the original due date assigned to all the other students (Everyone Else). 

Assignments and Discussion can have differentiated dates assigned to individual students, groups or course sections.  Quizzes can only have different dates for individual students or course sections.   Student groups are not able to be assigned to quizzes. 

How to assign different due date to a student:

Note: If the assessment is in Edit mode, then scroll down to the Manage Assign To link to see the assign to fields and date fields.  

  1. Open the assessment  (quiz, assignment or graded discussion)
  2. Click on the Assign To button at the top of the page. This opens a tab with the assign to fields and date fields.
  3. The Assign To:  is set to Everyone.   Do not change this field unless this assessment is only for this one student.  
  4. Scroll down to the +Add.  Click on the +Add.  
  5. In the new Assign To field, search for the student who is being assigned a different Due Date.  If there is more than one student with the same Due Date, then search and add the next student.
  6. Enter in that student's Due Date, Available From and Until Dates.
  7. Select Save.

Note:   Notice the original Assign To field now displays a value of Everyone Else.   If there are multiple students who require different due dates and/or time, then repeat the above instructions.   

Note:  Important.   If students have already responded to the assessment and their name is removed from the assignment, their submission and graded will no longer appear in the gradebook.  The grade is hidden but not deleted.  This can occur when adding an individual student and not preserving "Everyone Else" in the Assign To field.

Note: Timed Quizzes - If you are setting a Time Limit in the quiz, the Available From and Until dates do not need to also be set to the same time as in the Time Limit.  Best practice is to make the Available From and Until dates a broader time range to allow students time to access the quiz. The timer will start when the students starts the quiz and the quiz will end automatically at the end of the allotted Time Limit or at the set Until date/time which ever is reached first.    If a Due Date/Time is also used then the quiz will submit at the assigned Due Date/time.   Best practice would be to make the Due Date/time the same as the Until date/time.



Users should be able to assign a quiz or assignment due date to one student in Canvas.

Further reading:

How do I assign a quiz to an individual student?

Differentiated Due Dates in an Assignment

Need additional help?

Please use this link to the Technology Help Desk to locate your local campus contact information.  Use the “Submit a Question” for your campus to enter an online support request.  


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Article ID: 1931
Fri 7/19/19 6:28 PM
Fri 7/26/24 11:32 AM
Applicable Institution(s):
Keene State College (KSC)
Plymouth State University (PSU)
University of New Hampshire (UNH)