CPS, PSU, UNH: Extend USNH - Move course content to a new Extend USNH course

Task: This document explains how to export course content from a USNH Canvas course and import it into your Extend USNH Canvas course. If you have created your course in the USNH environment, you can move it to the Extend USNH course site by using the Export/Import process.  Since these two course environments are in different server locations you are not able to use the course copy functionality. 


Note:  Extend Canvas doesn't have New Quizzes setup.  If you are using New Quizzes in USNH Canvas course, then it won't import but you can re-add it as a Classic Quiz in Extend Canvas.

  1. Starting in the your Canvas course location, go to your course to be exported.  
  2. In the course, go to Settings.
  3. On the right side, select Export Course Content.
  4. In the Course Export page, the Export Type should be set to Course.
  5. Select Create Export. The export process starts and shows a process bar.  You will be sent an email when the process completesCourse Export Link
  6. In the Content Export window, click on the New Export link to download to your computer.
  7. The downloaded file name is the course name followed by course-name-export.imscc. Example: “intro-to-planets-101export.imscc” 
  8. Your next step is to import the file into the Extend USNH Canvas course.  You can leave the file in the downloads folder or move to a convenient location for when you import it.

Import Course

  1. Go to the Extend USNH Canvas course location and go to your course where you want to import content.
  2. In the course, go to Settings.
  3. On the right side, select Import Course Content.
  4. Make the following selections:
  • Content Type: click on Select One to open the list of options. Select the Canvas Course Export Package.
  • Source:  Select Choose File to locate and select your exported course file.
  • Content:  Check the option to either import All content or Select specific content.  If this is the first time you are importing content, then All content is the most likely option. Select specific content allows you to choose what you want to import. 
  • Options: If you are importing a course from a previous semester, then you can use this to adjust assignment dates, otherwise, skip this step.

  1. Select Import.   The import process will display a progress bar under the Current Jobs. 
  2. When the import process is finished a message “Completed” appears.  
  3. If there are any issues, then the number of issues with a link to the area of the course appears.  Click on the issues link to expand the list.
  4. Now go to your course material to view the imported course. Your course will be an identical copy of the other course.


Explaining how to export course content from Canvas course and import it into your extend Canvas course

Further reading:


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Please use this link to the Technology Help Desk to locate your local campus contact information.  Use the “Submit a Question” for your campus to enter an online support request.

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Article ID: 2026
Mon 9/23/19 4:35 PM
Tue 9/10/24 4:51 PM
Applicable Institution(s):
Plymouth State University (PSU)
University of New Hampshire (UNH)