Kaltura: Removing Embedded Media from Canvas (myCourses)

Task: This article describes how to remove embedded media from Canvas.


This article is intended to be used to remove embedded media content before older Kaltura players are deprecated on January 7, 2021. 

  1. Navigate to the Page, Assignment, Quiz or Discussion where the embedded video is.
  2. Click Edit in the upper right to bring you to the text editor.
  3. Before removing the embedded media, it is best to identify the name of the recording to make it easier to find and re-embed using an updated player. If the current player has the letter ‘I’ in the corner, you can click that to get the video name and then search for that title in your My Media collection. However, not all players have the ‘I’ button. If not, look at the video, compare to what you own, and manually find the correct video in your My Media. If you are still unable to identify the video, you can contact support at 603-862-4242 and create a help ticket.
  4. Select the embedded video in the text box and click delete.
  5. Follow the instructions found in Kaltura: Embed video and audio into myCouses to re-embed your media using an updated player.


Users can expect to learn how to remove embedded media from Canvas

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Please use this link to the Technology Help Desk to locate your local campus contact information. 

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Article ID: 2160
Tue 2/25/20 12:24 PM
Tue 2/6/24 12:31 PM
Applicable Institution(s):
Keene State College (KSC)
Plymouth State University (PSU)
University of New Hampshire (UNH)