Task: Many Zoom meetings now require you to sign in with your USNH Institution’s username and password before you can access the meeting. This article shows how to sign into Zoom using various methods. Methods #1 and #2 work best if you are experiencing trouble with the Desktop App, such as issues updating it. Method #1 is best if you are a member of a USNH institution. Method #2 works best if you are not affiliated with a USNH institution.
There are four main ways to log into your Zoom account:
- Single Sign On (via Web Browser)
- Via Web Browser without Single Sign On
- Zoom Client for Meetings (Desktop App)
- Zoom Mobile App (Smartphone & iPad)
USNH Institution’s Single Sign On via Web Browser
If this is your first time using Zoom, we suggest you sign in via your institution’s zoom page:
- Open a browser window and go to your institution's Zoom page
- Click on 'Sign In/My Account' in the upper right corner of the window.
- This will take you to the institution’s Single Sign On (SSO) page. Sign in with your username and passphrase if prompted.
You are now signed in to Zoom with this browser. Click on any meeting link to start or join a meeting.
Joining a meeting via Web Browser without Single Sign On
- Click the link to join the meeting.
- If prompted to open the Zoom desktop app, click Cancel.
- Click the Join from your Browser link.
- If prompted, sign in to your Zoom account. If you do not have a Zoom account, create a new account. You may be prompted to enter your name and the meeting password.
- Click Join.
Zoom Client for Meetings (Desktop App)
Download and install the Zoom application here: https://zoom.us/download (Choose Zoom Client for Meetings)
1. Open the Zoom desktop application. PC users should look for Zoom in their Start Menu or applications; Mac users should look for Zoom in their applications folder.
2. If you are not logged into the desktop client, you will be prompted to sign in when you start the application. Click on the Sign In button.

3. Select Sign In with SSO.

4. Enter ‘unh’ or ‘plymouthstate’ or 'keene' as the company domain and click Continue.

5. This will bring you to your institution’s Single Sign On (SSO) page. Sign in with your username@usnh.edu and passphrase if prompted.
Note: If you see an error that logins are "blocked for users unless they are specifically granted access", you may have tried to log into Zoom for the wrong campus. Be sure you use the Zoom link above for your primary campus to avoid this error.
You are now signed in to Zoom. Click on any meeting link to start or join a meeting.
Zoom Mobile App (for Smartphone & iPad)
1. Download the Zoom Cloud Meetings mobile app from either the Google Play Store on Android or the App Store on iOS.
- For iPhone and iPad: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/id546505307
- For Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=us.zoom.videomeetings
- Launch the app. On the Start screen, tap Sign In.

- On the Sign In window, tap SSO.

- Enter ‘unh’ or ‘plymouthstate’ or 'keene' as the company domain and click continue.

- This will take you to the institution’s Single Sign On (SSO) page. Sign in with your username@usnh.edu and passphrase if prompted.
You will then be brought back to the Zoom app where you will now be signed in. Click on any meeting link to start or join a meeting.
User will be able to sign in with their USNH Institution’s username and password before they access the Zoom meeting.
Need additional help?
Please fill out the Zoom Web Conferencing help form with as much detail as possible, or contact the Technology Help Desk on your local campus.