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- Learning Design and Technology
Teaching strategies and technology tools available to use during an academic disruption.
- Knowledge Base
- Technology
- Learning Tools & Services
- Zoom Web Conferencing
Zoombombing is a method in which anonymous participants can use Zoom's screen-sharing and other features to interrupt and disrupt meetings and classes. Zoom has reported that Zoombombing has become a major concern since all schools have moved to an online format. This document will provide you with a list of recommendations to prevent Zoombombing from happening in one of your meetings.
- Knowledge Base
- Technology
- Learning Tools & Services
- Zoom Web Conferencing
This article provides information on using the Self-Selected Breakout Room functionality in Zoom.
- Knowledge Base
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- Learning Tools & Services
- Zoom Web Conferencing
Zoom is an easy-to-use web classroom platform that allows for real-time video and screen sharing to hold live class sessions at a distance.
- Knowledge Base
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- Learning Tools & Services
- Zoom Web Conferencing
This article is an overview of Zoom, the UNH web conferencing software.
- Knowledge Base
- Technology
- Learning Tools & Services
- Zoom Web Conferencing
This article walks you through scheduling a Zoom meeting, starting a meeting, things to do before the meeting, best practices for hosting a meeting, and best practices using your camera.
- Knowledge Base
- Technology
- Business Tools & Services
- Microsoft 365 (M365)
- Microsoft Teams
- Teams Meetings (Web Conferencing)
This article describes the similarities and differences between Microsoft Teams and Zoom meetings which are the two supported web conferencing tools at USNH.
- Knowledge Base
- Technology
- Learning Tools & Services
- Zoom Web Conferencing
This article describes how to disable the automatic cloud recording e-mail notifications from Zoom.
- Knowledge Base
- Technology
- Learning Tools & Services
- Zoom Web Conferencing
This article lists common questions and answers about Zoom.
- Knowledge Base
- Technology
- Learning Tools & Services
- Zoom Web Conferencing
The article will walk users through the process of sharing a PowerPoint presentation within a Zoom meeting
- Knowledge Base
- Technology
- Learning Tools & Services
- Zoom Web Conferencing
This article describes how to check for and install updates in Zoom.
- Knowledge Base
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- Learning Tools & Services
- Zoom Web Conferencing
When creating a meeting in Zoom you have the ability to define an Alternative Host should the primary host not be able to attend the meeting. This article will show you how to assign an alternative hosts for a meeting.
- Knowledge Base
- Technology
- Learning Tools & Services
- Zoom Web Conferencing
This article will discuss how to add a non-USNH user to a meeting as a Host or Co-host
- Knowledge Base
- Technology
- Learning Tools & Services
- Zoom Web Conferencing
The article will outline how a user can update a previously scheduled meeting to now require a password.
- Knowledge Base
- Technology
- Learning Tools & Services
- Zoom Web Conferencing
This article explains how the end-user can move recordings from Zoom to Kaltura if the automated migration process fails following a cloud recording session.