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This article will explain how to use Kaltura Capture to Record a Zoom Meeting using a HIPAA Account
This article serves to instruct as to the best tool to use for lecture capture in your course.
This article contains frequently asked questions for graduating and departing students regarding access to IT resources.
The following are frequently asked questions related to the Zoom to Microsoft Teams transition.
When creating a meeting in Zoom you have the ability to define an Alternative Host should the primary host not be able to attend the meeting. This article will show you how to assign an alternative hosts for a meeting.
The polling feature allows you to create polling questions for your meetings. You will be able to launch the poll during your meeting and gather the responses from your participants. You also have the ability to download a report of polling after the meeting.
This article will discuss how to add a non-USNH user to a meeting as a Host or Co-host
This article provides information on how to proctor a closed-book exam in Zoom.
This article contains step by step instructions on becoming familiar and using Zoom equipment in the classroom.
This article will outline the different features between a Zoom Basic License (Free Version) and Zoom Pro License which USNH is moving away from by June 30, 2025 for many users at USNH institutions.
This article describes the technical requirements for using Canvas and Zoom.
Teaching strategies and technology tools available to use during an academic disruption.
Instructions on setting up a Wacom Intuos tablet to be used as an annotation device.
This video walks you through using Zoom breakout rooms for online instruction.
This article provides information on the role and responsibility of the Zoom Student Assistant