Categories (1)

Articles (44)

Pinned Article Zoom : How do I schedule a Meeting?

This article walks you through how to schedule a Zoom Meeting from Zoom and from Outlook.

Pinned Article Zoom and Microsoft Teams: Comparison of Microsoft Teams and Zoom Meetings Features

This article describes the similarities and differences between Microsoft Teams and Zoom meetings which are the two supported web conferencing tools at USNH.

Pinned Article Zoom and Microsoft Teams: FAQ

The following are frequently asked questions related to the Zoom to Microsoft Teams transition.

Pinned Article Zoom Capable Classroom - Getting Started

This article contains step by step instructions on becoming familiar and using Zoom equipment in the classroom.

Pinned Article Zoom: How to Sign In

This article shows how to sign in to Zoom with your USNH Single Sign On (SSO) username and passphrase. Many Zoom meetings now require you to sign in with your USNH username and passphrase before you can access the meeting. For the best meeting experience, always make sure you sign in to Zoom before starting or joining a meeting.

Pinned Article Zoom: Recording to the Cloud (My Media)

This article describes how to use Zoom to record directly to the 'cloud' via Kaltura.

Pinned Article Zoom: Setting your pronouns in your Zoom Profile

Zoom Released a feature in its 5.7.0 update, that allows users to indicate their pronouns as part of their Zoom Profile.

Pinned Article Zoom: Teaching Online with Zoom

Zoom is an easy-to-use web classroom platform that allows for real-time video and screen sharing to hold live class sessions at a distance.

Pinned Article Zoom: An Overview of USNH Web Conferencing Software

This article is an overview of Zoom, the UNH web conferencing software.

Pinned Article Zoom: Controlling Participants in your Meeting

This article will provide Tools and Tips to Zoom meeting hosts to control how participants can interact in the meeting in efforts to prevent unwanted material. ZoomBombing

Pinned Article Zoom: Getting Started

This article walks you through getting set up in Zoom, installing Zoom, starting a meeting, and hosting a meeting.

Pinned Article Zoom: Integration with Canvas (myCourses)

This article is about using a Zoom tool built into MyCourses.

Pinned Article Zoom: Sharing a PowerPoint

The article will walk users through the process of sharing a PowerPoint presentation within a Zoom meeting

Pinned Article Zoom: Using Breakout Rooms

This video walks you through using Zoom breakout rooms for online instruction.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Zoom

This article lists common questions and answers about Zoom.

KSC, PSU, UNH, Zoom - Zoom and HIPAA

UNH's instance of Zoom can be used for HIPAA-related needs. Interested departments should review and request service.

Lecture Capture: Teams Meetings vs Kaltura for Recording

This article serves to instruct as to the best tool to use for lecture capture in your course.

Technology Options for Hosting Online Events

This article relays options for hosting online events, including webinars, large meetings, and more.

Zoom - Differences in Zoom Basic & Pro Licensing

This article will outline the different features between a Zoom Basic License (Free Version) and Zoom Pro License which USNH is moving away from by June 30, 2025 for many users at USNH institutions.

Zoom : Guide to Best Practices

This article walks you through scheduling a Zoom meeting, starting a meeting, things to do before the meeting, best practices for hosting a meeting, and best practices using your camera.

Zoom : How to Record a Meeting

This article shows you how to record a meeting using zoom by video or with written instructions.

Zoom: Adding an Alternative Host to a Meeting

When creating a meeting in Zoom you have the ability to define an Alternative Host should the primary host not be able to attend the meeting. This article will show you how to assign an alternative hosts for a meeting.

Zoom: Editing Video

In this video, we'll review where to find and how to use Zoom's editing functionality.

Zoom: Meeting Attendance

This article provides two recommendations for using Zoom to identify class session attendance.

Zoom: Prevent 'Zoombombing'

Zoombombing is a method in which anonymous participants can use Zoom's screen-sharing and other features to interrupt and disrupt meetings and classes. Zoom has reported that Zoombombing has become a major concern since all schools have moved to an online format. This document will provide you with a list of recommendations to prevent Zoombombing from happening in one of your meetings.

Zoom: Registration Feature

This article will walk the user through creating a new Zoom meeting with a registration option. This will require attendees to register for a meeting prior to the start.

Zoom: Capturing Participant Videos in Gallery View

This article describes how to record the Zoom participant gallery view instead of the active speaker window. This can be done when screen sharing or viewing the gallery during a group discussion.

Zoom: Checking for and Installing Updates to Client Application

This article describes how to check for and install updates in Zoom.

Zoom: Disable Cloud Recording Notifications

This article describes how to disable the automatic cloud recording e-mail notifications from Zoom.

Zoom: End-to-end encryption (E2EE) for meetings

This article provides an overview of end to end encryption (E2EE). End to end encryption should only be used when the privacy of your meeting is of utmost concern as it disables many of the commonly used features of Zoom.

Zoom: How to Move Zoom Recordings to Kaltura

This article explains how the end-user can move recordings from Zoom to Kaltura if the automated migration process fails following a cloud recording session.

Zoom: Non USNH or Basic Zoom Users as Co-Host

Task: This article will discuss how to add a non-USNH user or a Basic account user to a meeting as a Co-host.

Zoom: Overview for Students

This article will provide information and resources for students on Zoom

Zoom: Scheduling for Office Administrators

This article is for campus office administrators who schedule Zoom meetings for other users in their department.

Zoom: Sharing Media in Zoom During a Live Meeting

This article will discuss how to share media and sound during a live meeting in Zoom.

Zoom: Student Assistant Role and Responsibility

This article provides information on the role and responsibility of the Zoom Student Assistant

Zoom: Troubleshooting Tips

This article describes troubleshooting tips for Zoom.

Zoom: Updating password setting for previously scheduled meeting

The article will outline how a user can update a previously scheduled meeting to now require a password.

Zoom: Using a Self-Selected Breakout Room

This article provides information on using the Self-Selected Breakout Room functionality in Zoom.

Zoom: Using Dual Monitors to View Participant Gallery while Presenting

This article shows how faculty can run a Zoom session using dual monitors to show the gallery of participants while screen sharing or presenting a slide show.

Zoom: Using Zoom Meeting like a Webinar

This article will cover some of the best practices for managing attendees in your meeting.

Zoom: Waiting Room

Zoom meetings will have a Waiting Room enabled by default. There are now three options for users regarding Waiting Rooms, this article will outline all three options.

Zoom: Webinars

This article is providing information about Zoom Webinars.

Zoom: Using Polling Functionality

The polling feature allows you to create polling questions for your meetings. You will be able to launch the poll during your meeting and gather the responses from your participants. You also have the ability to download a report of polling after the meeting.