Zoom: Overview for Students

Task: This article will provide information and resources for students on Zoom



Zoom in Canvas 

Some online courses will have required live virtual meetings using Zoom. The instructor will provide direct links to the Zoom meetings in the Canvas course via an announcement, page or in the course calendar.  In general, once logged into Canvas, you should not be required to log in again unless the instructor has set a password.   

System Requirements: 

Zoom should work well on most modern computers as well as from tablets, mobile devices and smartphones. See the official Zoom System Requirements 

This document also lists recommendations for cameras, microphones, speakers, and other accessories. Keep your technology tools and devices up-to-date, and in good working order by installing regular Operating System (OS) and software updates -- like Office 365 and the most recent Mac OS.  

Creating your Own Zoom Meeting 

Students can now schedule their own Zoom meetings by logging into their institutional Zoom account.  In addition, students can use Zoom to record a presentation to be submitted in an online course.   

Where can I learn more? 

Visit Zoom's website, support knowledgebase, or YouTube channel.


Users will become familiar with information and resources for students on Zoom

Further reading:

Zoom System Requirements

Zoom Overview: USNH Webconferencing Software 

Zoom: How to Sign In  

Zoom's website

Zoom's Support Knowledgebase

YouTube channel

Need additional help?

Please fill out the Zoom Web Conferencing help form with as much detail as possible, or contact the  Technology Help Desk  on your local campus.

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Article ID: 4237
Wed 10/13/21 3:40 PM
Thu 3/7/24 9:10 AM
Applicable Institution(s):
Keene State College (KSC)
Plymouth State University (PSU)
University of New Hampshire (UNH)