EAB Navigate360: Email Signature

Task: Users sending communications using the system have the ability to set up an email signature that would be automatically inserted into a communication when sent from the system.  This article will walk users through the process of setting up their Email Signature.


Setting your Email Signature

  1. In the upper right hand side of the Navigate screen, click on your profile image, then User Preferences
  2. This will open up a dialog where users can set their email signature information in the Rich Text box
  3. Users can copy and paste their current email signature from Outlook, if desired
  4. Once complete, Click Save

User Preference Image

Using your Email Signature

In any area of the application where you can create and send messages to students there is a Tag that you can use that will pull your information into a message for students.

  1. In the "Send a Message" dialog, compose your message
  2. At the end of the message you can insert {$email_signature} snipit that will then take the information in your email signature and add it to the message once sent

Send Message Dialog image


Users will be able to set up their personal email signature and add it to an communication

Further reading:

EAB: Navigate - Setting User Preferences

Need additional help?

Please use this link to the Technology Help Desk to locate your local campus contact information. 

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Article ID: 4427
Tue 6/7/22 9:47 AM
Thu 5/2/24 12:04 PM
Applicable Institution(s):
Keene State College (KSC)
Plymouth State University (PSU)
University of New Hampshire (UNH)