EAB Navigate360: Target Hours

Purpose:  Target hours allow users to set a limit to the number of hours they are available for appointments in a given week.  Once those hours are scheduled, the advisor will no longer be available for advisees in the given week. 

Intended Audience:  Advisors and Advising Centers
Environment:  EAB Navigate

Scope of Article: This article will explain Target Hours, how they are set and what they affect in the application.


Target Hours are available on the My Availability tab of Staff Home to any Navigate user who can create and edit Availability. This feature is provisioned by Role, if you don't see it listed, you may have a role where this is not provisioned. Users can set their Target Hours to be between 1 and 168 hours; by default, it is set to 0.   Staff set Target Hours in the Scheduling Target Hours section. Target Hours have two aspects.

  1. First is the Target Hours Per Week field. Set this between 1 and 168 hours. If the Target Hours is outside that range, you receive an error message.

  1. The other aspect is the Block scheduling for the week when target is hit. If this option is selected, then when a staff member reaches their Target Hours, they are no longer available for students to schedule with across Navigate for the rest of the week. Note that in this case, a week goes from Sunday to Saturday.

Important. Target hours are calculated against all Services, Locations, and Care Units. Target Hours affect scheduling in the Student Scheduler, Appointment Center, Kiosk, and Staff Scheduler.  There are a few changes in Navigate to accommodate this.

First, in Student Scheduler and the Kiosk, if a staff member has reached their target hours, it is treated like a conflict in their schedule. They simply do not appear to students in the scheduler. In fact, if a staff member has not reached their target but the default appointment length would take them past their target, they also do not appear. For example, if a tutor has 9.5 hours of scheduled or completed tutoring and they have 10 hours as their target BUT the default appointment length is 45 minutes, the tutor no longer appears in the workflow, as one more appointment takes them past their target. 

Target Hours are dynamic. For example, if the staff user has all hours scheduled or fulfilled and a student cancels an appointment with them, the staff member is once again available in Student Scheduler and the Kiosk. Additionally, if the staff user with target hours is scheduled for drop-in appointments and they have reached their target, they do not appear in the drop-in queue. If that user is the only person available at the location, students also cannot use the Check In with First Available option in Student Scheduler or the Kiosk.

There are slight variations in functionality when dealing with Appointment Center or the Staff Scheduler. If a front-desk worker selects an open slot for the staff member who has reached their target hours but is otherwise free, a warning appears on the Create an Appointment dialog.

Despite the warning, the front-desk worker can create the appointment for the staff member, overriding the Target Hours.
  This is also true in Staff Scheduler. If a staff member has reached their target hours for the week, users see the same message, but they can create the appointment and override Target Hours settings by selecting Unlock Non-Available Times or Unlock Times with Conflicts.

If a staff member fills in an interaction start and end time in an Appointment Summary, this is used instead of the student check-in and check-out time for Target Hours and reports so time the student spent waiting is not counted against Target Hours.

Further Readings:

EAB: Navigate - Setting Availability

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Article ID: 4446
Tue 6/28/22 11:31 AM
Thu 4/4/24 12:25 PM
Applicable Institution(s):
Keene State College (KSC)
Plymouth State University (PSU)
University of New Hampshire (UNH)