KB Section Template: Summary

This Sample article shows what you will import if you use the "Summary" Template in the "Section Templates" sub-section of the Templates drop down. Everything between the heavy lines is the contents of the template.


 <What, Who, Why? - summarize in one or two sentences the purpose of this article -- what service/software/app it covers, who the content applies to (e.g. students, employees, all windows users, parents, campus visitors, etc.), and why they might need/want to read this article. 

You can also copy this Summary statement into the stand-alone "Summary" field (found below on a New article, on the "Settings" tab of an existing article), up to 500 characters only in that separate field. >



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Article ID: 4511
Mon 10/10/22 11:11 AM
Wed 7/3/24 4:04 PM
Applicable Institution(s):
Keene State College (KSC)
Plymouth State University (PSU)
University of New Hampshire (UNH)
USNH System Office