UNH Student Experiences of Learning (SEL) Survey (Blue): Accessing Department Level Reports


Users with permissions to see Department level reports can access these reports directly through Blue.  You must choose the Supervisor role. This article will provide details on access and finding reports once logged into the system as a Supervisor.

Note: The Supervisor role is different than the DIG User role.  DIG Users do not have access to Department reports.


Task: Access past reports in Blue using the instructions below. 


Step 1 - Log into the Blue portal: https://unh.bluera.com/unh/ 

Note: If the login prompts you with a dropdown menu select "Supervisors" as that is the only role that will allow you to see the reports.


Step 2 - Search for the semester in question, example "fall 22"

Step 3 - Click on the link: "View the UNH Fall 2022 SEL Survey Dynamic Report report"

Report search and filtered list with box around report link - Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)Click for full-size image


Step 4 - Once you are in the Report List, type your search criteria in the search box (example: professor’s last name)

Step 5 - Click: "Search report title" to see the reports that meet your search criteria.

Step 6 - If at least 1 student completed the evaluation then the "Threshold Status" column will show that the threshold has been met and a report will be available for you to view. If it displays "Not Met" then no students have completed the Course Eval Survey for this particular course/instructor.

Report List with Threshold Status column on the right - Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)Click for full-size image



You are able to access department level reports.


Further Readings

UNH Blue SEL Survey: Understanding Instructor SEL Reports


Need additional help?

Please fill out the Student Experiences of Learning Webform with as much detail as possible, or contact the ET&S Help Desk team on your local campus.

For additional Training please visit the Teaching and Learning Technologies Training Website.