This article covers the self-service method to set a new password on MyAccount while your current password still works.
These instructions are for everyone associated with any of the University System of New Hampshire (USNH) Institutions - Keene State College (KSC), Plymouth State University (PSU), or University of New Hampshire (UNH), as well as the USNH System Office.
These instructions can be performed from any location, on or off-campus.
Note: If you are using a university-issued computer (desktop or laptop, either Windows or Apple MacOS) see also the special note with additional steps to take on your university-issued computer.
These instructions apply to non-primary accounts as well as primary accounts - sign in as the non-primary account in Step 1 below and proceed through the instructions.
Per USNH Password Policy , passwords must be changed annually. Any accounts that are not in compliance with USNH Password Policy will expire in order to secure your personal and institutional data. Recovering an expired account involves using multiple factors of identity verification through the Self-Service Password Reset (SSPR) process. See full instructions in our article on resetting your password.
Passwords shall:
Be between 14 and 64 characters in length
Be sufficiently different from previous passwords
Contain a minimum of 5 unique characters
Passwords shall not:
include the user’s first, last, or preferred name, the user’s USNH username (e.g., abc1234), or the user’s USNH ID (e.g., 991122334)
be re-used
contain number or character sequences of 4 or more (e.g., abcd, 6789, sTuV)
contain characters repeated 4 or more times sequentially (e.g., bbbb, 8888, TttT, &&&&)
Known compromised or commonly used weak passwords are disallowed.
You may change your password at any time, but the USNH Password Policy requires a change once per year. Certain circumstances may force you to change your password earlier, like a phishing scam.
Important! Be prepared to update your accounts on password managers, phones, tablets, and other computers in the office or at home that may have account credentials stored. Some devices may require that you remove and re-add your account. It may be helpful to turn these additional devices off until after you have changed your password, and turn them back on one at a time to update them.
Task: To change your current password using MyAccount.
Helpful Tip: Think up a new password that follows the USNH Password Policy and Password Best Practices before you begin the process below. It may be helpful to write it down and make notes if you change any part of the password during the process below.
Step 1 - In a web browser, go to: and sign in if necessary.
- If prompted by Microsoft to Pick an account, be sure the account you choose has your (e.g. Enter your current password on the next screen. If Pick an account shows your campus email address, choose "Use another account" instead.
- If a generic Microsoft Sign in screen asks for your "Email or phone", enter your (e.g. then enter your current password on the next screen.
- If required, verify your identity with one of your multi-factor authentication (MFA) sign-in methods.
Step 2 - Click on UPDATE INFO in the Security info tile.

Step 3 - On the "Security info" page, click Change on the Password line.

Step 4 - Following the basic password guidelines in the USNH Password Policy and Password Best Practices, type your New password in the "New password" box.
Step 5 - Type your new password again in the "Confirm new password" box.
Step 6 - If there are any problems, the system will tell you so. Keep trying until there are no red warnings, then click "Submit".

Step 7 - Wait for the process to complete and you will return to your Security info page. Verify and (if necessary) update your Security Info sign-in methods, to be sure everything is still current. When you are finished, close the browser.
Step 8 - Open your browser again and browse to your Microsoft M365 portal at or Outlook Online at . Enter your new password when prompted and verify your identity with MFA if required.
Attention faculty & staff with university-issued computers: After you change your password, use one of the articles below to update any saved or cached passwords on your devices, and to synchronize your initial computer log on password. Failing to clear old passwords may result in being locked out of your account.
Note: If you are working remotely, off-campus and your university-issued computer is not accepting your new password, please connect to the VPN and Lock your computer. This allows your computer to sync your new password for use. See the above articles for more details.
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You have a new password for your USNH accounts. Remember to update any password managers or saved logins. Turn your devices on one at a time and verify that you can access the USNH resources you usually use.
If you are having trouble logging in, try a different web browser, a private or incognito browser window, or clearing your browser's cache and cookies.
Further reading
MyAccount: Resetting Your Password
MyAccount Resources
Updating Security Info for password recovery and MFA verification
Password Best Practices
USNH Password Policy
How to Clear your Web Browser’s Cache, Cookies, and History
Staff and Faculty: How to update Windows devices after changing or resetting your password
Staff and Faculty: How to update Apple devices (MacOS) after changing or resetting your password
Need additional help?
Visit the Technology Help Desk Support page to locate your local campus contact information or to submit an online technology support request. For password issues you must call or visit the Help Desk in person.