Student Experiences of Learning Survey: Using QR Codes for Course Surveys


Blue SEL allows faculty to generate QR codes per course that can then be used to publish to syllabus or other communication methods, where students can scan the code and be brought directly into that course SEL.


Task: Generating a QR code from Blue for your course.  Another way for students to access their SEL


  1. Once logged into Blue, identify the course to which you would like to generate a QR code for and click on it to open
  2. Using the 3 ellipse (More Options) in the bottom right of the course panel, select  View QR Code


  1. You now have the the option to Copy the URL for the code or select "View QR Code" to see the code to then copy and paste where needed for students to have access. 
  2. When students scan the QR code they are brought directly into the specific course SEL. 
  3. You will need to generate a QR for each course you would like an SEL completed.



Users will now have the ability to generate QR codes for any course and communicate that to students. 


Need additional help?

Please fill out the Course Feedback webform with as much detail as possible, or contact the Technology Help Desk on your local campus.

For additional Training please visit the Teaching and Learning Technologies Training Website.