USNH Classrooms, Clusters, & Labs: Computer Update Policy for Student-Facing Managed Computers


Purpose: To ensure a consistent and stable environment in our Lab and Classroom computers, this policy outlines the patching and update procedures for student-facing computers in classrooms and labs.

Scope: This policy applies to all student-facing computers and instructor machines located in classrooms and labs across the University System of New Hampshire.


Patching and Update Policy

Patching Schedule

  • Fall and Spring Semesters: Only "Critical" updates will be applied to student-facing computers during these periods to maintain consistency and minimize disruptions.
  • Summer and Winter Breaks: Regular updates and patches will be applied during these breaks to ensure computers are up-to-date and secure.


Critical Vulnerabilities

  • The Cybersecurity team in conjunction with the Endpoint Engineering team will assess the risk and impact of each critical vulnerability and determine the appropriate action.
  • Critical vulnerabilities will be addressed on a case-by-case basis to ensure the security and integrity of the computers. Anything deemed a critical vulnerability by Cybersecurity will be assessed and if necessary remediated during the fall and spring semesters.



  • Faculty stakeholders will be informed of any critical updates or patches that need to be applied during the semester. Stakeholders will be identified through campus-specific coordinators.


Testing and Validation

  • All patches and updates will be thoroughly tested in a controlled environment by the service owner before being deployed to student-facing computers.
  • Feedback from faculty and students will be considered to ensure updates do not negatively impact the learning environment, please use the following link to provide feedback -  Computer Lab Software Request



  • Any exceptions to this policy must be approved by Cybersecurity. To apply for an exception, please use the following link – General Cybersecurity Services
  • Any faculty conducting summer classes or research must submit a ticket to Endpoint Engineering for any lab or classroom computers in use during summer or winter breaks. Please use the following link – Computer Lab Software Request - to coordinate faculty use with required lab/classroom computer updates. This request must include
    • the class or research location,
    • start and end date of the faculty member's use, and
    • person of contact.


Reimaging and Data Storage

  • The process of reimaging classroom and lab computers during maintenance windows will wipe all data from the computer. Wiped data is not recoverable.
  • No data should be saved locally on a classroom or lab computer. All files should be saved to OneDrive to ensure your data is not lost.
  • OneDrive is the only USNH approved cloud storage method. For more information on OneDrive please use the following link – OneDrive: Accessing/Logging in to OneDrive


Further Readings

Endpoint Management: USNH Managed Computer Update Process

OneDrive: Accessing/Logging in to OneDrive

Computer Lab Software Request 

General Cybersecurity Services


Need additional help?

ET&S installs and manages software for computer labs and classrooms. To request a consultation or software in a classroom or lab, please submit a Computer Lab Software Request form.

To apply for an exception to the above policy, please submit a General Cybersecurity Services request.

For other assistance, visit the Technology Help Desk Support page to locate your local campus contact information or to submit an online technology support request.  For password issues you must call or visit the Help Desk in person.