This article is designed to outline the standard patch processes across USNH managed computers.
Operating System Updates
Windows OS Patches/Updates
- Release Schedule: Patches are released to managed computers on the third Friday of every month at 12 PM, which is 10 days post-release from Microsoft.
- Testing: A pilot group receives the update seven days prior to ensure stability.
- Check-In Frequency: Windows devices typically check in with our computer management software (Intune) every eight hours.
- Installation: Once the OS Patch is received, the system schedules and installs the update over the next several days.
- Restart Notification: To complete the installation process, a restart is required. A seven-day restart notification countdown window is displayed, allowing users to restart at their convenience. You will have the option to defer up to 3 times. This notification will persist until the update is complete. If no restart occurs by the 7th day, a forced reboot happens once the countdown reaches zero.
Mac OS Patches/Updates
- Release Schedule: Patches are released to managed computers monthly.
- Testing: A pilot group receives the update notification seven days before the workstation group.
- Check-In Frequency: Mac computers typically check in with our Apple management software (Jamf) every 15 minutes.
- Update Prompt: Once a system checks in and detects available updates or patches, a pop-up will display on the device, periodically prompting the user to update. You will be able to defer this upgrade to a more convenient time. This message will continue to appear until the computer is updated.
Application Updates and Patching
- Release Schedule: Application patches are released on a nonstandard schedule and dependent on the software vendor update rollout.
- Validation and Testing: We collaborate with partners to validate the update. Once approved, the update is tested then added to Self Service (Mac) and Company Portal (Windows), ensuring consistent distribution across our managed devices.
- Distribution Delay: After approval, there is a four-day delay before the distribution process begins. In the case of a critical update, the hold time is shortened to one day.
Critical Cybersecurity Vulnerability Remediation
- If your system has a critical cybersecurity vulnerability that has not been addressed within the standard patch cycle, we will attempt to remediate it immediately upon startup. Please be aware that this process may cause your system to reboot without notice.
Student-Facing Devices in Classrooms and Labs
Further Readings
USNH Classrooms, Clusters, & Labs: Computer Update Policy for Student-Facing Managed Computers
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Visit the Technology Help Desk Support page to locate your local campus contact information or to submit an online technology support request. For password issues you must call or visit the Help Desk in person.