Canvas: FAQs about Quizzes


This article lists some frequently asked questions about Canvas Quizzes. 



Quiz - Frequently Asked Questions

Q1.  How do I assign a date/time on a quiz for a student that is different from when the rest of the class are taking the quiz? 

A1a.  In the Quiz, locate the Assign To field where you set the Available From and Until.  Below that area, locate the +ADD icon, select it to open another Assign To area. Enter the student's name and select the dates for that student.   Do not change or remove the dates/times for the other students.  For more details read this article Assign Quiz Due Date for one student

A1b.   If you are using the Time Limit option but not using Available From and Until date/time to lock the quiz into specified quiz time, then use the Moderate Quiz option.  Go to the Quiz and on the right side, select Moderate.  Locate the student in the list and check the box next to their name, then select the pencil to open the options to allow more time and/or manually unlock the quiz.

Q2.  I added a student to the Assign To field and now the grades for the rest of the students are missing from the grade book.  How do I get the grades back?

A2.  The grades are not lost, just hidden. By adding the student to the same Assign To field as the rest of the students they were removed from the assessment. Now add them back into the assessment but for use a new Assign To field.   Go to the quiz and in the Assign To field, add a new one by selecting the +ADD icon and in the Assign To, you'll see "Everyone Else", select this to add all other students back into the quiz.   See this article and instead of selecting one student, select "Everyone Else". For more details read this article Assign Quiz Due Date for one student

Q3.  How do I set a specific amount of time to allow students to take the quiz?

A3.  The quiz has a Time Limit option that allows you to enter a specific time limit to take the quiz.   You can schedule the date and time students can access the quiz and when it closes by using the Available From and Until date/time.  A best practice is to set a wider time span to allow students time to access the quiz.  If the Time Limit and Available From and Until is set to the same amount of time then if the student is late in starting the quiz, the quiz will not give them the full-Time Limit allotted. The quiz closes at the Available Until date/time regardless of when the student started taking the quiz.

Q4.  In a timed quiz, does the timer stop counting down if the student leaves the quiz?

A4.  No, the timer continues to count down.  Students can leave the quiz and re-enter the quiz but the timer will have continued counting down.

Q5.  If a Classic quiz is reopened so the student can finish the quiz, can the quiz be restarted from where the student left off, or does the quiz start over at the first question?

A5.  When the quiz is reopened, it starts back with the first question.  When the Classic quiz is restarted it does not allow students to continue where they left off. If the quiz questions are randomized, then the student will receive a new set of randomized questions.


Users can expect to be able to answer some commonly asked Canvas Classic Quiz questions.


Need additional help?

Please use this link to the Technology Help Desk to locate your local campus contact information.  Use the “Submit a Question” for your campus to enter an online support request.  


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Article ID: 912
Fri 7/19/19 5:42 PM
Fri 6/21/24 2:02 PM
Applicable Institution(s):
Keene State College (KSC)
Plymouth State University (PSU)
University of New Hampshire (UNH)