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- Knowledge Base
- Technology
- Learning Tools & Services
- Kaltura
This article describes how to embed a video or audio file into a MyCourses course.
- Knowledge Base
- Technology
- Learning Tools & Services
- Kaltura
This article will outline the processes for what to do if a user encounter Kaltura Access Denied, blank page, or API errors.
- Knowledge Base
- Technology
- Learning Tools & Services
- Kaltura
- MediaSpace (My Media)
This article describes how to use MediaSpace to create or upload videos that can be publicly viewed.
- Knowledge Base
- Technology
- Learning Tools & Services
- Kaltura
This article shows how to enable downloading of your Kaltura media. It also covers choosing a format and saving the file to your computer.
- Knowledge Base
- Technology
- Learning Tools & Services
- Kaltura
This article describes how to create a video/audio assignment within myCourses.
- Knowledge Base
- Technology
- Learning Tools & Services
- Kaltura
This article describes how to access media that has been shared with you.
- Knowledge Base
- Technology
- Learning Tools & Services
- Kaltura
This article provides a basic overview of Kaltura Classroom.
- Knowledge Base
- Technology
- Learning Tools & Services
- Media Support
Whether you are an instructor or a student, you may need to create and share a video in an online course. This process can be broken down into 3 steps: Create the Video.
Upload the video to a streaming server, Share the video. Kaltura is the secure and private media server used by all USNH colleges for video and audio streaming. Kaltura also includes tools for video recording, sharing, and management, and is fully integrated into Canvas. This article will provide an overview
- Knowledge Base
- Technology
- Learning Tools & Services
- Kaltura
This article describes how to upload or create media using Kaltura.
- Knowledge Base
- Technology
- Learning Tools & Services
- Kaltura
This article describes how to upload IOS video files using Kaltura.
- Knowledge Base
- Technology
- Learning Tools & Services
- Kaltura
This article outlines the differences between the fee-based professional captioning services available through UNH Student Accessibility Services (SAS) and the free captioning services that Teaching & Learning Technologies (TLT) offers.
- Knowledge Base
- Technology
- Learning Tools & Services
- Media Support
This video will show you how to reduce the size of a video file using the free software ’Handbrake.’
- Knowledge Base
- Technology
- Learning Tools & Services
- Kaltura
- Knowledge Base
- Technology
- Learning Tools & Services
- Kaltura
This article will provide information on how to create play lists, add or remove content from those play lists including in channels
- Knowledge Base
- Technology
- Learning Tools & Services
- Kaltura
This article reviews the factors and issues you may experience when using Kaltura and when you are in a Video Quiz. There are many different factors that can impact recording the scores of in-video quizzes. These can include: your computer, browser, settings or other features enabled between your computer and/or browser.