Kaltura: Download Media to Your Computer

Task: This article shows how to enable downloading of your Kaltura media. It also covers choosing a format and saving the file to your computer.


There are 2 steps to being able to download the media to your computer:

  1. The owner will first have to enable downloading on that file. If the owner has already made the file available for download, skip ahead to step 7.
  2. Once download is enabled, the user will need to actually download the media.

     3. Find the Media that you want to be downloaded and click its Edit button.

4. Click the Downloads tab.


5. Multiple formats will be shown, allowing the owner to download the file at different qualities and sizes. Check off the formats that you want to make available for download. When in doubt, choose Source.

6. After you've selected your formats, click the Save button.

7. To download, navigate to the video or audio file.


8. Click on the media's thumbnail image.

9. You will be taken to the media's page. Select the download button from the dropdown menu to show available formats for download.

10. Files available for download will be shown along with their sizes. Find the format you want and click its Download link. When in doubt, choose the Source format if available.

11. Your browser will prompt you to open or save the file, choose Save.

12. Navigate to your desired download location and click Save. Depending on your browser's settings, the file may be automatically sent to your Downloads folder.


Users can expect knowledge of how to enable downloading of Kaltura material.

Further reading:

If you need more information about enabling your Media Gallery, refer to this article on enabling course tools.

Need additional help?

Please contact the Service Desk as 603-862-4242
Please fill out the Lecture Capture web form with as much information as possible, or contact the Technology Help Desk on your local campus.

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Article ID: 935
Fri 7/19/19 5:43 PM
Fri 8/30/24 2:11 PM
Applicable Institution(s):
Keene State College (KSC)
Plymouth State University (PSU)
University of New Hampshire (UNH)