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This article will provide information to faculty and advisors on how to access a completed progress report within Navigate to confirm a student's performance and any reasons or comments provided by the instructor. EAB Navigate will be the application where Early Alert Progress Reports originate. These will take place approximately weeks 5 to 8 of the term.
This article will provide step by step instructions on how to generate reports within Navigate.
This article will cover the Frequently Asked Questions with syncing your Outlook calendar with Navigate.
The article will highlight the features of Appointment Center including where to find it and what it is used for. The Appointment Center is typically used by advising teams on campus who would use queue based appointments like Drop-ins.
This article describes how to use the Navigate Scheduling Grid in the Appointment Center.
This article contains a brief overview of Navigate with links to important articles for help with the application.
The article will discuss editing a campaign such as adding students, adjusting times or capturing a link to send directly to students.
This article will describe how to manage drop-in appointments in the Appointment Center.
This article will focus on editing appointment details after it has been created. This may include changing a location, changing an advisor or time slot.
This article will provide a list of Frequently Asked Questions about reports.
This article will cover the functionality of the quick search component within Navigate.