EAB Navigate360: Report FAQ

Task: This article will provide a list of Navigate reporting Frequently Asked Questions.


Q: Will the Assigned Staff column be separated out in separate columns in the CSV file?

A: No, all assigned staff will be listed in one column. However, the relationship is indicated in parentheses, so you can see what the relationship is and filter as such.

Q: How will sorting work in the new reports?

A: Multi-element lists will sort alphabetically, based on the first letters of the first item in the list. All columns will be sortable.

Q: How are the new reports affected by the global term filter?

A: There is no longer a dependency on the global term filter. Like Advanced Search, the enrollment term filter will be set to ‘all’. Users will have the option to choose one or more enrollment terms to find data. To support this, we have also updated the term data drawer and course data drawer to include term filters in new reports.

Q: What happened to the Keyword Search?

A: The keyword search has been removed from the student filters because it is duplicative. This search only queried student first name, student last name, email, and student ID and all of these fields are now available to search in student filters.

Q: Does the Appointments report list the final grade of a course, if the appointment was for tutoring?

A: Final grades will be listed in the Students Enrollments report. The final grade is not a field in the Appointments Report.

Q: Is there a report that shows Actual Credits for a particular semester?

A: Students Active for Term.

Q: What does "with term" mean in the Excel document or for certain common columns?

A: It refers to the classification or GPA for the last term where the student had an active major or classification.

Q: Where can I find the information in the Professors Active for Term report (or Students with/without Appointments or Students with/without Advisors) that was retired?

A: In our recent release of Standard Reports, we removed some reports that were not functioning or querying the data in ways that we intended. Among the reports removed were the Students with/without Advisors, Students with/without Appointments, and Professors Active for Term reports.

The vendor received Feedback letting them know that some of the data contained in these reports is still valuable, most notably in cases where users wanted to find out certain things that have not happened yet. Some institutions were using these reports to try and determine when students did not have advisors or appointments for example, or when a faculty member had not completed a Progress Report. We’d like to acknowledge that these use cases are valid and also that we have to make certain improvements in order to support them appropriately. Put simply, it is more difficult for us to accurately determine when something has not happened vs. when it has. Part of the confusion relates to the fact that we don’t require certain filters to be selected in a report, and not doing so can cause the results to be inaccurate. We are actively exploring changes to our interface and query structure to allow for this capability. We do not yet have a timeline for these changes.

Q: Why are there weird characters in my exported CSV file?

A: These "strange characters" are probably HTML formatting. This should no longer happen as of the 19.2.8 release in mid-April. Navigate will strip HTML code and characters in three areas when running reports: Availability Details, the Note body, and the free-text comment in an Appointment Summary Report. This will not remove the HTML formatting in the original input area.


Users should have answers to frequently asked questions about Navigate.


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Article ID: 2265
Fri 4/24/20 2:12 PM
Fri 3/1/24 9:15 AM
Applicable Institution(s):
Keene State College (KSC)
Plymouth State University (PSU)
University of New Hampshire (UNH)