EAB Navigate360: Reports and Report Actions


Task: This article will provide step by step instructions on how to generate reports within Navigate.



Generating a Report

While all reports have different purposes and somewhat different fields, the process to generate a report is the same.

To Generate a Report:
  1. Open the Reports by clicking the Reports Icon
  2. Select a report from the list on the main screen and click on its Title.
    • Note that you will only see the reports for which you have permissions to use.
  3. Set the Activity filters. This is typically a date range and conditions on the entire data set, like "Include Enrolled Students Only" or "Care Unit".
  4. Set the Student filters.
  5. Set any final conditions (e.g. the Include Inactive checkbox) and click Search to generate.
Report Actions

Users can take action on any report by opening the Actions menu in the report results. Below is an example of the Actions menu for the Appointments report.  While most reports have some unique actions, all reports have some similar actions.

  • Send a Message: send a message to the student(s) selected via email or text
  • Tag: add a tag to the student(s) selected
  • Note: add a note to the student(s) selected
  • Add Ad-hoc Appointment Summary: opens an Appointment Summary Report for the student(s) selected
  • Appointment Campaign: create an Appointment Campaign using the selected students
  • Schedule Appointment: creates an appointment between the student(s) and the person who ran the report
  • Student List: add the selected student(s) to a Student List
  • Show/Hide Columns: choose the columns to show in the report results and export
  • Export Results: export the report results to a .csv file. If you have hidden columns, the export will maintain those choices
Saving a Report

Once you have generated a report, at the top you will see a Save icon.  This will allow you to save your report with all the applied filters to the Lists & Saved Items area.  When you run a report from this area, it will run with all the filters that were applied when saved, saving your time and effort when this report is needed.

Report Export

All of the new standard reports can be exported. To do so, generate a report and select "Export Results" from the Actions menu once you have taken any other actions (e.g. showing/hiding columns) you wish to take before creating an export file. The .csv file will then download.

Note: In an effort to minimize requirements for certain versions of Excel or other possible issues, all exports in these new reports are in .csv format. This will standardize the export and allow any version of Excel to open the file.

Note: All of the rows from the top of the file that produced the school name, date ranges, and other added information has been removed. The information remains at the top of the file; however, it will be stored only in the first line.

Note: For the Notes report only - only the first 32000 characters of a note will show in the report or CSV. This is due to Excel limitations. To see the full note, you will need to go to the Student Profile.


Users should be able to generate reports within Navigate. 

Further reading:

EAB: Navigate - Reports - Scheduling a Report

Need additional help?

Please fill out the EAB (Navigate) web form with as much information as possible, or contact the Technology Help Desk on your local campus.

For additional training opportunities, visit the TLT Training Calendar.

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Article ID: 2264
Fri 4/24/20 1:57 PM
Wed 9/4/24 8:52 AM
Applicable Institution(s):
Keene State College (KSC)
Plymouth State University (PSU)
University of New Hampshire (UNH)