Electronic Equipment Disposal (SEED)

Click the Request Service button to initiate your Safe Electronic Equipment Disposal (SEED) form.

The Secure Electronic Equipment Disposal program provides for the disposal of surplus equipment containing data storage, including computers and mobile devices, as well as equipment containing circuit boards such as monitors, printers, peripherals, scientific equipment and audio-visual equipment. This program differs from the USNH Surplus Property program in several important ways:

The USNH equipment owner/user is not required to certify data wiping per the USNH System Access Policy standards for equipment approved for SEED disposal.

Requestors will be contacted if submitted equipment is not part of the Accepted Equipment List.

All items submitted will be processed by our service provider

The service provider cannot accept items containing liquids, refrigerants, hazardous or radioactive materials and batteries (except for those used in laptops or installed in UPS devices).  When disposing of items containing any of these materials, please contact the Office of Environmental Health and Safety (OEHS) or Facilities at your institution for guidance on proper disposal.

Need help determining if you should use SEED for your surplus electronic equipment? Use our Decision Guide.

SEED equipment requests are approved and collected on an ongoing basis. Only approved items may be dropped off for SEED; equipment is verified to ensure that sufficient space is reserved in our SEED storage area for your equipment.

Requests to Donate, Transfer or Sell surplus electronic equipment are not available through SEED. 

Note: USNH Surplus Property will continue to handle all requests for non-electronic equipment to donate, transfer, sell or scrap items such as furniture or vehicles.

Request Service


Service ID: 168
Thu 12/14/17 10:14 AM
Fri 7/26/24 2:47 PM
Available At:
Keene State College (KSC)
Plymouth State University (PSU)
University of New Hampshire (UNH)
USNH System Office