Desktop Support provides hardware and software support to all USNH faculty and staff. We service all Windows and Apple laptops and desktops, as well as tablets and phones.
The USNH ET&S Safe Electronic Equipment Disposal (SEED) program provides for the disposal of USNH-owned surplus electronic equipment.
Click the Request Service button to initiate your Departmental Laptop Donation request
Media equipment is available for circulation and may be used without charge by the faculty, staff and students of Keene State College for academic purposes.
The Help Desk at Keene State has an inventory of laptops available for faculty, staff, and students to be used for academic purposes or special events. Employee loans are intended to be short-term. Student loans can be up to one academic year, with renewal as needed. Your request is dependent on availability of a laptop and a Help Desk staff member will confirm your reservation.
For new Keene State College employee user accounts and access to the network and campus network drives.
The EQ is a service that allows PSU students, staff, and faculty to borrow laptops, media production equipment, and more.
USNH provides a set of standard computer models available for purchase. For instances where the standards do not meet business requirements, you may request an exception.