TDx ITSM: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

The following are frequently asked questions related to the use of TeamDynamix for IT Service Management functions.



Desktop & Queues

Q: How do I set up my Desktop?

A: Follow the instructions here:


Q: Can I get my desktop to auto-refresh?

A: Unfortunately, no.


Q: How can I find out what group my coworker is in?

A: Type your coworker's name into the Responsibility field (either in a new ticket or in the Reassign window) and then click the Person icon. You will see a list of their groups.

Remember: if you're assigning a ticket outside of your own group, you need to assign to a GROUP first, then to an individual. 


Q: Can I see the membership of the group to which I'm assigning a ticket?

A: Yes! Use the same method as above. Type the group's name in the Responsibility field (either in a new ticket or in Reassign) and click the People icon. You'll see a list of members of the group. 


Q: How can I see everything assigned to a group?

A: Using the same method above, type the group's name in the Responsibility field (either in a new ticket or in Reassign) and click the People icon. You'll see a list of in-flight tickets assigned to the group. Note that you will not be able to see On-Hold or Pending tickets. Click the To Tickets Search to see more.


Ticket Fields & Data

Q: A ticket came in as a Service Request, but it's really an Incident. Can I change the classification of the ticket?

A: Yes, and you should. Open the ticket and go to Actions > Edit Classification.


Q: What is Type? What do I do if it doesn't populate automatically?

A: "Type" indicates the group that owns the selected Service. If Type does not automatically populate, click the magnifying glass and set the owning group manually.


Q: What is a Resolution Action and how can I remember to set it?

A:  Learn all about Resolution Actions here.


Q: Should we update Status and Responsibility in Edit mode?

A: Though you can set Status and Responsibility during the creation of a ticket, updating should be done in the following ways:

  • Status should be updated via Actions > Update, with a note about why the status is changing.
  • Responsibility should be updated via Actions > Reassign - include a note on why the ticket is being reassigned and determine if you'd like to notify the new resource.


Group Membership & Notifications

Q: Can we change who gets notified when tickets are assigned to our group? 

A: Absolutely. Put in a request through the TeamDynamix form with your group's name and who should/should not be notified.


Q: Can we update the membership of our groups?

A: You bet. If you are the Manager of a group and you have correct permissions, use the People Application to manage your own group.
1. Click the waffle --> People
2, Click Groups in the left navigation pane to manage membership

For assistance, put in a request through the TeamDynamix form with updates to your membership. These updates will be verified with an appropriate manager.

Q: Notifications look like they're coming from a person, but they're coming from Is that right?

A: Yes.



Q: Can I assign a ticket directly to another person outside my group?

A: If a ticket is leaving your group, assign the ticket to a group first. The ticket then may be assigned to a person.


Q: What is a Workflow Approver group?

A: These groups are for the Account Management System (AMS) to assign automated account requests. Do not assign tickets to these groups.


Escalations, SLA, & Priority

Q: I took responsibility of an unassigned ticket but it still escalated. Why?

A: In TDx, you need to update the status of the ticket from New to another status to stop the ticket from escalating.


Q: Who gets notified when a ticket escalates?

A: Upon escalation, one of the following happens:

  • If the ticket is assigned to a person, the escalation notice goes to responsible person and the person’s manager
  • If the ticket is assigned to a group, the escalation notice goes to the group (adhering to group notification settings) and the group’s listed manager(s)


Q: Does priority drive escalations?

A: No. Priority is not tied to escalations; escalations are set by the SLA functionality.


Q: How do I make it so a ticket escalates in fewer than 9 hours?

A: Open the ticket and go to Actions > Reassign SLA. Select from one of the available escalations and determine if the clock should calculate from the creation of the ticket or start now.



Q: I'm finished working on a ticket. Should I use Closed or Resolved at First Level?

A: Resolved at First Level is only for use by the Help Desk groups. All other groups should use Closed.

Note: ATSC/SD staff should use Resolved at First Level when the ticket is handled, from start to finish, by ATSC/SD staff. If a ticket is reassigned to a second level group and returns to the ATSC/SD, this does not qualify as Resolved by First Level; use Closed.


Q: If I set a ticket as Closed, is it locked or can I still edit it?

A: You can edit tickets in any status, including Closed.


Additional Help

Q: How do I report issues with TDx ITSM, webforms, or the AMS?

A: TDx ITSM and webform issues/requests can be submitted via the TeamDynamix form.

AMS issues can be reported via the Access Management service.


Q: My question was not on the FAQs. How can I request help?

A: Put in a request through the TeamDynamix form.

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Article ID: 1527
Fri 7/19/19 6:09 PM
Thu 8/22/24 12:41 PM
Applicable Institution(s):
Keene State College (KSC)
Plymouth State University (PSU)
University of New Hampshire (UNH)
USNH System Office