Task: This article will describe what to consider when creating a campaign as well as instructions on how to create a campaign.

What is an appointment campaign?
Appointment Campaigns enable advisors to request that specific students schedule an appointment within a certain time frame defined by the advisor . This is in contrast to the advisor creating appointments for each student. This feature is commonly used when an advisor must meet with all their students at least once per term such as class registration.
Why create a campaign?
- Brings advisees into your office during a defined time
- Provides a direct link for the student via email or the advising interface giving them options for appointments within campaign time frame (i.e. registration time only)
- Advisor can control the dates and times
- Gives the advisor the ability to specify which group can make appointments (i.e. freshman on Mondays, sophomores on Tuesdays...)
- Campaign management allows the advisor to see who has made or not made an appointment for a specific campaign
- Allows for the Campaign creator to schedule reminders
- Advisor can define the number of students they can meet with at one time
- Information sessions, workshops, RSVP events
How to create a campaign
Although there are several ways to create a campaign, it is recommended that you follow these steps to be successful.
Add campaign availability
- Navigate to Advisor Home Page
- Click on My Availability
- Click Actions
- Click Add Time
- Add Campaign availability details
- NOTE: Do not overlap campaign/non-campaign availability. For effective campaign management use Services: Advising Campaign 1,2.... If you are creating simultaneous campaigns be sure to pick different #'s. If creating a single campaign with several availabilities pick any of these and use it consistently. Location is defined in this application as the Department to which the appointment is associated. Add specific appointment location (building and room number) to the details area
- Click Save
For more information on setting availability see knowledge base article: EAB: Navigate - Setting Availability

Define the Appointment Campaign
- Under Actions (Right side quick Launch) Click Campaigns
- In the area for Student Campaigns, click on Appointment Campaigns
- This page will display all campaigns you have created in the past. Use the +Add New icon to start creating a new Campaign
- Add Campaign Details
Campaign Name: Campaign Name is visible to the person creating the campaign and any other users who have access to view campaigns, but not visible to the student. We recommend adding your initials to the campaign name to make it easier for other staff to know who created the campaign if they are included.
When you name your campaign, please follow this Naming Convention:
College/Unit_Semester_Reason_Author so that we can make sense of how people are using campaigns.
Examples: UAC_SP24_Registration Advising_Talbot CHHS_SP23_Nursing Advising_Phelps HONORS_FA23_Advising_Gaudet COLA/Homeland Security_SU23_Major Change_Hatc
Instructions or Notes for Landing Page: This field will allow you to add any message to users that access the campaign.
Care Unit: Select College or Major Specific Advising. NOTE: UNH is not currently using the Tutoring functionality within Navigate.
Location: Select the Department of where the appointment(s) is associated
Service: should match availability. If no options show, the user may not have any Campaign availability set.
Appointment Limit: This will determine how many appointments you wish for the student to schedule during the campaign timeframe
Appointment Length: This is where you define exactly how long the appointment will be.
Slots per Time: Appointments can be individual or group. By adding more than one "slot per time", you can have a group appointment. Upto 500. This limits the number of attendees to the number defined. This is first come, first served when sent to students.
Allow Scheduling over Courses: This is a new feature for Campaigns in Navigate, allowing for students to schedule a campaign appointment during their class time. You can see the checkbox at the bottom, ‘allow scheduling over courses’. It is recommended to use this checkbox during the virtual/remote learning timeframe to allow for students to schedule with their advisors when it works best for them, since many courses are not happening synchronously with their scheduled courses (from banner)
Staff/Recipient Reminders: By checking the appropriate box, Staff and/or Recipients will receive reminders via email or text. NOTE: UNH does not have Text options configured in the application at this time. Do not use Text option.
Scheduling Window: These are the dates to which the campaign will be open. Select your Start and End Dates. After the end date the campaign will "expire" and no student will be able to schedule appointments for this campaign.

Set a Launch Date: This Launch Date will be the date that the "Welcome Message" will send. If students are added to your Campaign after this launch date via Automation, the "Welcome Message" will send to that student as soon as they are added.

4. Click Continue
Adding Recipients To Campaign (advisors and students)
You have several ways to search for and select your students either by Saved Searches, Advanced Search or Student List.
Invite All My Assigned Students: From the "Add Students" screen scroll to the bottom of the advanced search and simply check the box that says "My Students Only" and click Search. This will return all students assigned to you the advisor where you can then select all and add them to the Campaign.
Advanced Search: Use the Advanced Search filters to find and select students. After starting the search, you will be presented with a list of students. Select the students you wish to add and then choose Add Selected Users and Search for More from the actions menu. If you have created a student list and would like to associate that list a campaign you can find the Student list under Student Information. For more information on student lists. See the related article: Student Lists
NOTE: when using Advanced Search, the results returned are not limited to just your assigned students. You can pare the list down to just your assigned students by using the, "My Students Only" check box at the bottom of the search.
You can remove students from the campaign, if needed. For example, if you met with one of the students already and don't need them to come in during the campaign period, they can be removed by selecting the student and using the "Actions" menu to "Remove Selected Users"
- Choose All Students or perform an advanced search
- Click Continue
- Add Advisors
- Click Continue
Add Organizers to Campaign
- Select the staff (advisors) that will be part of the campaign. More than one advisor can be part of the same campaign.
NOTE: Organizers will need to have availability set up specifically for Campaigns in order for anyone to show in this page. The Service types from My Availability and Campaign Details must match for the user to show up in this area.
NOTE: Multiple advisors (organizers) can be added to the same campaign and "share" the appointments. If more than one advisor has been added to the campaign, the student will be able to select the advisor they prefer to meet with. If the student leaves the selection to "Any Staff" the system combines all staffs availability and the student will see which staff member's availability they chose on the "Scheduled Appointment Review" screen. Regardless of who the student’s advisor is, if they receive an email with an invitation and link to a campaign they can sign up for that campaign. Campaigns work as personal invites to students that receive them regardless of who their advisor may be. So as long as the student receives an invite for a campaign they will be able to schedule an appointment with that advisor.
Include Appointments Availabilities check box. If this is checked the system will allow students to see both availability for Campaign and Appointments when scheduling.

2. Click Continue
Compose Nudges
Nudges allow the Advisor setting up the campaign to compose messages that will be sent to recipients for both those that have not scheduled an appointment yet and those that who have scheduled an appointment. These communications are sent out the morning of the designated date.
NOTE: At least one Nudge must be set up and configured in order to continue with the campaign creation process.
Nudges: Follow-up messages will only be sent to students who have not scheduled all appointments in the campaign.
- Select the icon +Add Nudge this will open a dialog to create and schedule your message
- Customize your Subject (if you choose)
- Customize your Message (if you choose) Users should adjust the wording to make it more logical for the recipients. Example: most recipients will not know what "Advising Campaign 1" means.
- Send Date: Modify this date to when you would like the message sent to recipients.
- Save Nudge
- Do not change the text within the Brackets { }. The system will merge student names into this area.
- You can update the information in the body of the message but make sure that the directions for using the included link remain. {$schedule_link}
- An example of the message and what the advisee should see is displayed at the right
Success Message: This message will be sent within a day of the recipients scheduling all campaign appointments.
- Select the icon +Add Success Message this will open a dialog to create and schedule your message
- Customize your Subject (if you choose)
- Customize your Message (if you choose) Users should adjust the wording to make it more logical for the recipients.
- Save Success Message
- Do not change the text within the Brackets { }. The system will merge student names into this area.
- You can update the information in the body of the message but make sure that the directions for using the included link remain. {$schedule_link}
- An example of the message and what the advisee should see is displayed at the right
Verify & Start
This page allows you to verify all the information in the Campaign before this is sent to the recipients. Scoll through the information to ensure its all correct. If edits need to be made, simply click on the respective icons and make needed changes.
Once complete select "Start Campaign"
- Do NOT block time in Outlook to save your blocks of availability. This will sync to Navigate and appear as Busy in the system and not allow students to book appointments. Keep your Outlook clean and when a student books for an appointment, that will sync back to Outlook and mark that time as busy for you.
Common Questions:
- Can I set up more than one campaign at the same time?
- Yes, each advisor can run as many campaigns as they require at the same time. Once the availability is set for campaigns the user can simply link that to each campaign. If the user selected each Service Type can match the campaign. I.E. Campaign 1, Campaign 2 etc.
- Can I share the campaign with others?
- Yes, as long as each user has matching availability each of them will show in the organizers list. The advisee will have a choice when making an appointment on who they choose to meet with. If the users availability differ the system will show only availability for the user who has availability at that time.
Student View when they click on the link to Schedule

What users can expect to happen after completing the steps in the how-to knowledge base article.
Further reading:
For more information about using the Clickable URL/Phone Number, click here
EAB: Navigate - Setting Availability
Student Lists
Need additional help?
Please fill out the EAB (Navigate) web form with as much information as possible, or contact the Technology Help Desk on your local campus.
For additional Training please visit the TLT Docs & Training site.