Task: This article will outline the process for a student to check in on-line for a virtual appointment with an advisor of faculty member.
Students that have scheduled an appointment with an advisor, faculty member or other supporting staff can now check into their appointments on-line. Many appointments going forward will take place in a virtual on-line setting. Students being able to check in on-line will make the process easier for everyone involved in the meeting to connect in a timely fashion. As the scheduled date and time approaches the system will provide the student the ability to check in as outlined below.
Once logged into Navigate, your visits (Meetings) will be listed on the right side of the screen if you have any scheduled.
Locate the meeting on the right side of the page, you should then see a Green Check-in icon. Clicking this icon will check you into the meeting and your advisor will receive a notification allowing them to know you have checked into the meeting.
Once checked in, your advisor will provide connection information such as a phone # or Zoom link if it has not been provided ahead of time.
If you signed up for a Drop-in session, the system will allow you to check out if you can no longer meet. It allows you to remove yourself from the queue before an advisor picks up and starts your meeting. This is designated by a Red Check-Out icon under a meeting. Clicking the check-out icon will remove you from the drop-in queue.
Users should be able to to check-in on-line for a virtual appointment with an advisor or faculty member.
Need additional help?
Please fill out the EAB (Navigate) web form with as much information as possible, or contact the Technology Help Desk on your local campus.
For additional Training visit the Teaching and Learning Technologies Docs & Training site.