This article describes how to use MediaSpace to create or upload videos that can be publicly viewed.
Training Video: PSU Kaltura Media Space to Share Videos Publicly:

Making an Existing Video Public
Task: To make an existing video public
Step 1 - Go to
Step 2 - When you first visit the site, either "Guest" will appear in the upper right-hand side of the screen, or your name (if you're already logged into the Plymouth State University system). Be sure to click on Guest and then login if you aren't already logged in.
Step 3 - Once logged in, you'll want to click on "My Media"

Step 4 - Then select the title of the video you want to make public.

Step 5 - You'll then select the Actions tab

Step 6 - Following that select Publish and Unlisted then click save.

Step 7 - Once you've done that you can select Share and copy the URL or use the embed code to post to a website or share it with other non-PSU users.

You will be able to change an existing video to public status.
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Uploading a Video to MediaSpace and Making it Public
Task: To upload a video and make it public
Step 1 - Starting out follow the instructions above to login, and then select "Add New"

Step 2 - When adding a video be sure to select Unlisted and save the video and proceed with the same instructions as above.
You will be able to upload a video to MediaSpace and make it public
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Please fill out the Lecture Capture web form with as much information as possible or contact the Technology Help Desk on your local campus.