Copying a project plan from one project to another can save time by eliminating the need to re-enter each new task when projects are very similar.
Additionally, ET&S project types have changed as of July 1, 2023 so copying the entire project is not recommended as the project will maintain outdated project type settings. Therefore, copying the project plan from within the project is the recommended method and will have a similar result.
Note: This works only for Waterfall plans and not for Cardwall plans.
Task: Copy a TeamDynamix project plan from one project to another
Step 1 - Navigate to TeamDynamix Projects Application and open the project from which the plan will be copied from.
Step 2 - Click Plans from the left pane.
Step 3 - Click open the plan that will be copied.
Step 4 - Click the Export pull-down menu.
Step 5 - Click Export to TD Plan.
Step 6 - Give the file a relevant name, choose a location, and take note of where the project plan has been saved.
Step 7 - Click Save.
Step 8 - Return to the Projects Application tab.
Step 9 - Create a new Project. See the Project Management Reference Manual & Video Tutorial if you need instructions.
IMPORTANT: ET&S should choose only Project Types "ET&S Operational Activities" or "ET&S Projects"
Step 10 - Click Plans from the left pane of the new project.
Step 11 - Click +New.
Step 12 - Enter a name for the new plan and select the radio box for TeamDynamix .TDPlan File.

Step 13 - Click Save.
Step 14 - Browse to the location where plan from Step 6 above was saved.
Step 15 - Select the saved plan (*.tdplan) and click Open.
Step 16 - Click Import.
You have copied a project plan from one project to another.
Further Readings
TeamDynamix: Project Management Reference Manual & Video Tutorial
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