Canvas: Course creation and student enrollment date schedule

Task: This article describes the course creation and student enrollment schedule in Canvas for USNH Institutions.


In Canvas, course shells are created 12 weeks in advance of the Spring and Summer semesters and 14 weeks in advance of the Fall semester. Students are added 2 weeks before the first day of classes. This does not mean students will be able to view the course 2 weeks prior, students can only view the course once the course is published. See below for publish dates and information.

When students enroll in a course, they're added to the Registrar’s database which then automatically adds the student to the Canvas course. Students who enroll after the course starts or during the winter shut down may not immediately see their course. UNH Faculty can either manually add the student to the course or submit a support request. For additional information about either option see below:

You may request your course creation or student enrollment to be done sooner than the schedule below by entering a support ticket using the link at the bottom of the article.

Note:  KSC courses are not automatically closed. Faculty have the option to close the course. If the Course Published field doesn't contain a date, it means the course is unpublished and is published at the instructors discretion.

SCROLL DOWN to see the dates for 2023-2024

Dates for the Academic Year 2024-2025

Dates for the Academic Year 2024-2025


Keene State College

Semester Courses Created Students Added Course Published Read-Only
Fall 2024 05/20/24 08/12/24   N/A
Spring 2025 10/29/24 01/07/25   N/A
Link to Keene academic calendar.


Dates for the Academic Year 2023-2024


Further reading:

If you need assistance for either a course or student enrollment, please submit a request to the Teaching & Learning Technology Staff here.

If you are a UNH faculty and would like instructions on how to add a student (or any user), select this link to access the KB article on how to add people to a course.

Need additional help?

Please use this link to the Technology Help Desk to locate your local campus contact information.  Use the “Submit a Question” for your campus to enter an online support request.

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Article ID: 830
Fri 7/19/19 5:38 PM
Fri 8/9/24 3:14 PM
Applicable Institution(s):
Keene State College (KSC)
Plymouth State University (PSU)
University of New Hampshire (UNH)