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This article explains the function of Stolen Device Protection on iPhone and iOS devices and how the one-hour Security Delay can impact customers.
The TeamDynamix Mobile app allows you to connect to TeamDynamix from your mobile device. This guide will walk you through finding, installing, and connecting the TeamDynamix Mobile app. This article is for USNH TeamDynamix technicians with permission to use this application.
Mobile device health and security is explained in this article, including the purpose, why mobile security is needed, and some of the best practices to use.
This article provides instructions on how to access Microsoft Teams from a browser (, and the Office desktop application. It also provides links for downloading the mobile application.
This article describes how to add your USNH email account to either the Outlook app or the built-in iOS Mail app on an iOS mobile device.
This article provides instructions on how to add and removed a shared mailbox to your Outlook mobile application.
This article provides links to instructions for setting up email on your Mobile devices (Android and iOS), on laptop or desktop computers (Windows and MacOS), as well as accessing your campus email via web browser. Outlook on the Web or the Microsoft Outlook App are the supported applications for campus email on all devices.
LinkedUp is a mobile app designed specifically for students.