Salesforce Classic: Sending a One-Off Email


 This article details how to send a One-Off Email with Salesforce Classic.



Task: To send a One-Off Email with Salesforce Classic


Step 1 - Go to a contact or custom object record (i.e. Inquiry) record

Step 2 - Select "Send Email"

Step 3Select Template

Step 4 - Select Sender

Step 4 - Click Send

a image of one-off email page



  • These emails will show up in the Activity History of the record- not the Campaign History block.  
  • Don’t forget to update your profile. My Settings > Personal > Personal Information (Name, Phone, Email, Title) if you are planning to merge any User merge fields. These will populate the user's profile information for who is sending the email.

a image of email signature



You have successfully sent a One-Off Email with Salesforce Classic.


Further Readings

Salesforce Classic: Creating a One-Off Email Template

Salesforce Lightning: Creating a One-Off Email Template

Salesforce Lightning: Sending a One-Off Email


Need additional help?

If you have any additional questions, please submit a ticket by using the ECRM Services Support Form.

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Article ID: 4167
Wed 9/1/21 3:52 PM
Wed 11/8/23 8:47 AM
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Keene State College (KSC)
University of New Hampshire (UNH)
USNH System Office