Task: This article will explain why the dates in the UNH repository may not make sense. Example: This came about in a Ticket where the instructor questioned the Jan, 6, 2020 date as there was no course going on at the time Turnitin states a paper was submitted.

Turnitin is used to manage assignments/ submissions. The institution (University of New Hampshire) had been using a different platform*such as Unicheck or Vericite, Ephorus. The university opted to use the "Import Service" to import data (papers) from their old platform to Turnitin.
In the example above, the Upload Date (16 October 2019) represents the date when the student submitted a paper to their assignment created on the old platform.
The date in the matching header (January 2020) is the date when the paper was imported to
(Why are the dates shown as the imported dates vary?)
- Due to the volume of data that needs to be moved, 2 exports/imports for Vericite, (and Ephorus) were done. 1st was all data for all accounts and then a 2nd migration on an agreed date with the customer when they move.
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