Gradescope Notifications


There are several reasons why students and instructors may receive email messages and notifications from Gradescope.  Some of the student notifications can be eliminated by instructors choosing to not use optional settings within Gradescope when adding students to a course and grading an assignment.  Instructor regrade notifications can be modified by editing their account settings.


Student Notifications

Depending on how often optional notification settings are chosen, and amount of Gradescope assignments in a course, a student may receive many email notifications during a semester.
Note:  Canvas contains no way of controlling Gradescope notifications.

Faculty Notifications

For faculty, there are regrade request email notification options in the Gradescope account settings. Faculty may choose one of the following:


Further Information

Gradescope Help Center:


Need additional help?

Visit the ET&S Help Desk Support page to locate your local campus contact information or to submit an online technology support request.  For password issues you must call or visit the Help Desk in person. 

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Article ID: 4528
Tue 11/1/22 3:00 PM
Tue 12/5/23 3:32 PM
Applicable Institution(s):
University of New Hampshire (UNH)