Knowledge Base: Setting Default Font and Size


This article explains how to replace hard-coded fonts and sizes with the default font and size when editing knowledge base articles.  This article is for anyone editing articles in the TeamDynamix (TDx) Knowledge Base (KB).

Some KB articles have a font and/or font size hard-coded in the article Body.  When this is the case, then Headings do not appear correctly.  Current guidelines are to use the KB default font and size.  This article explains how to set those in an existing KB article.



Task: Set default font and size in a KB article


Step 1 - In the KB article, click Edit to go into Edit mode.  You will be on the Content tab of the article.

Step 2 - Click into the text area of the Body of the article.  Notice three toolbars across the top of the Body section.

Step 3 - In the top toolbar, second group of tools, click Select All to select everything in the Body text area.

Cursor pointing at "Select All" with tool tip showing


Step 4 - With everything selected, use the Font tool in the second toolbar to clear specified fonts.  See image below Step 5.

  1. Click Font > Arial - everything will be in Arial font
  2. Click Font > Arial again - everything will be in default font

Step 5 - Still with everything selected, use the Size tool in the second toolbar to clear specified font sizes.

  1. Click Size > 10 - everything will be in size 10 font
  2. Click Size > 10​​​​​​​ again - everything will be in default font size

Box around "Font" and "Size" drop downs


Step 6 - Inspect the article.  If necessary, use the tools in the second toolbar to manually set the Formatting Styles or Paragraph Format for specific text.

Box around "Styles" and "Normal" drop downs, for Formatting Styles and Paragraph Formatting respectively.



All text in the article body should be in the default Font and default Font Size, allowing Headings and other Styles to appear correctly.


Further Readings

Knowledge Base: KB Style Guide Checklist


Need additional help?

Visit the Technology Help Desk Support page to locate your local campus contact information or to submit an online technology support request.  For password issues you must call or visit the Help Desk in person.  


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Article ID: 4612
Tue 2/28/23 2:03 PM
Mon 7/8/24 11:32 AM
Applicable Institution(s):
Keene State College (KSC)
Plymouth State University (PSU)
University of New Hampshire (UNH)
USNH System Office