Knowledge Base: Reviewing KB Article Feedback


This article explains how to review customer feedback on articles in the TDx Knowledge Base.  Audience: KB workers. Some options require access to tickets in TDNext.



Task: View KB Feedback and improve article content.


Step 1 - Browse to the USNH TDx Knowledge Base, URL - 

Step 2 - Click on Feedback in the second menu bar.  You will see the Feedback search screen.

TDx KB menu bars with 'Feedback" marked, second menu row, fifth item, just to the left of 'Search'


Step 3 - By default, your name will be in the "Owner" field.  Click the red "x" at the end of the "Owner" field to remove your name (box 1 in image), then click Search (box 2 in image).


Step 4 - You will see a list of all KB feedback, in descending order by date/time.  By default, this list will show Both Helpful and Not Helpful feedback that is Not Addressed, regardless of whether it Has Ticket or has No Ticket.

You can adjust the filtering with radio buttons in the search screen.  Click "Search" again to apply new filter options.


Step 5 - Review feedback on articles for which your group is responsible.  Some ways to review feedback:

  • Click "More" to see the rest of any feedback Comments that are hidden.
  • Click the Article title to open the referenced KB article. 
    • To see the feedback in context, scroll down to the Article Feed.  Select the "Feedback" tab next to the default "History" tab (see image below). 
    • The full feedback Comments show in the article Feed.
  • Click the Revision number to see the exact Revision the customer was viewing when they left feedback, available both in the feed and the filtered list.

Step 6 - Improve the article in response to feedback, if you can tell what is needed.  Approve and publish that new revision if you usually approve your own work, or reach out to your usual approver.  



You can read the feedback users leave on KB articles.  You can filter and search by date, owner, helpful/not helpful, whether the feedback has been addressed yet or not, and whether or not a ticket was created to address the feedback. The article is improved, if appropriate, based on customer feedback.

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Task: Respond to customer feedback on a KB article


Step 1 - Open the KB article and scroll down to the Article Feed.  Click the "Feedback" tab next to the default "History" tab.  Look for feedback marked as "Not Addressed", especially Negative feedback.


Step 2 - Note the date of the feedback, read the full comments, notice who the customer is.  Consider what they said and how to respond.

Note: Steps 3 and 4 are only available to people with permission to access TDNext and view Person Detail records.

Step 3 - Click on the customer's name to open the person's client portal details, then click the "To TDNext" button to see their full Person Details in TDx technician view (TDNext). You will only see results for the parts of TDx that you have permission to view.

Step 4 - Click on the "Tickets" tab to see tickets where that person is the Requestor.  You can sort by ID to see them in date order, or use the green filter button in the upper right.

Step 5 - Review the customer's recent tickets to determine if they reached out in some other way to solve their problem.  Use your usual ticket searching techniques to look for other tickets (maybe submitted under a personal email address, for example).  Depending on what you find, use Option A or Option B below:


Option A - If the customer's issue seems to have been resolved (or is currently being addressed) by an existing ticket:

Step 6  - Consider notifying the customer, through the ticket or some other channel, to let them know that you improved the article content based on their feedback and are happy their problem appears resolved.

Step 7 - Mark the KB Feedback in the Article Feed as "Addressed".  Note that you can toggle between "Addressed" or "Not Addressed" by clicking the link again.

Note: We do not yet understand the "% helpful" feedback that shows in the article "Was this helpful?" box at the bottom.  Consider leaving Helpful feedback as "Not Addressed" so it remains measured by that "% helpful" calculation. 


Option B - If there is no existing ticket for the customer's issue:

Step 6 - Click the Create Ticket link in the Article Feed.

Step 7 - On the Select Application/Form screen, find the TDx Application where the ticket should be created, then click on the link for the correct Form within that Application.  Be careful to select the correct Form! If it looks wrong, just close that window and start again from the previous step.  For example, this is the top of the list:

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail) - screen shot of the top of the "Select Application/Form" listClick for full-size image

For Technology and other Enterprise Service Management (ESM) article feedback, choose Application: ESM then select either Service Request Form (for help doing or configuring something) or Incident Form (for help fixing something if it is broken).  Only use the other forms if you know that is what you are supposed to use to address the KB Article feedback.

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail) - ESM Application form list with "Service Request Form" and "Incident Form" markedClick for full-size image

Step 8 - The ticket form will open with the customer as the requestor

  • Check box to "notify requestor" in the ticket.
  • Fill in the rest of the fields as usual in TDNext.  If you do not usually create tickets this way, ask for help.
  • In the ticket Description, let the customer know that you saw their feedback and are creating this ticket to help get their problem solved.  Add the time/date information from the article feedback itself.
    • If improving the article is all that was needed, let them know you have done that and provide a link to the updated article. 
    • If the customer needs additional support, assign the ticket appropriately to solve their issue.  If you are not sure who can help them, assign the ticket to the Help Desk (follow-up) group and explain what you DO know about the situation.
  • Assign the ticket to the appropriate group responsibility and Save the ticket. 

Step 9 - Saving the ticket will automatically mark the KB Article Feedback as "Addressed" and provide a link from the article to the ticket. 

Step 10 - Open the ticket then Actions > Update.

Step 11 - Scroll down and Associate the existing KB article where they left their feedback.  This provides a link from the ticket back to the article.



The customer's issue has been addressed and they have been notified that the KB has been improved (if appropriate).

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Need additional help?

Submit a TeamDynamix Application Administration ticket - use the Request TeamDynamix Service button then choose Request Type Knowledge Base request.

Visit the Technology Help Desk Support page to locate your local campus contact information or to submit an online technology support request.  For password issues you must call or visit the Help Desk in person.  


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Article ID: 4664
Tue 4/25/23 11:55 AM
Mon 7/8/24 11:23 AM
Applicable Institution(s):
Keene State College (KSC)
Plymouth State University (PSU)
University of New Hampshire (UNH)
USNH System Office