TeamDynamix: Using & Requesting Response Templates


This article explains what ticket response templates are, how to use them, and how to request new ones. This article is for support technician users of TeamDynamix ticketing applications.



Ticket response templates are pre-written text that can be inserted when updating an existing ticket in TeamDynamix. Using a template saves time typing the same response multiple times. 

Response templates can pull some dynamic data from the ticket and embed it into the message.  Examples include the requestor's name, the ticket number, or the technician's name.   

An example of a response template used in a ticket update.  Highlighted items are dynamic data drawn from the ticket, the rest is static to this particular ticket response template:

Sample ticket response template with ticket data fields highlighted.

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Viewing or Using a Response Template

Task: To view or use a pre-written ticket response templates


Step 1 - Log into TDNext  (SSO) and select the appropriate Ticketing Application

Step 2 - Click on an existing Ticket ID or Ticket Title in the dashboard report or queue to view the ticket contents. 

Step 3 - Click Actions > Update or just Update to open the ticket update window.

Step 4 - Click the Templates link at the top of the "Comments" section. 

Step 5 - Click a category to view a list of the templates within. 

Step 6 - Click on the name of the template from the list to insert it into the comments section. The text of the template will insert at the cursor location in the text editor.

Step 7 - Review the entire message and edit as needed. Templates are a starting place and usually require some customization, so check the comments carefully!

Step 8 - Choose a group or individual to notify in the "Notify" section below the comments. 

Step 9 - If notifying a customer, be sure to uncheck the "Make comments private (only visible to ESM users)" check box at the top of the Comments area, so the customer will be able to see the comments when viewing their ticket in the Client Portal.

Step 10 - Click Save



You will be able to view or use pre-written ticket response templates.

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Requesting a New Response Template

Task: To request a new ticket response template


Response templates must be configured by the TeamDynamix Administrator.  

Step 1 - Check the General Templates (see above section for instructions) to see if the desired template already exists. 

Step 2 - Type of a draft of what the response template should say with dynamic fields such as [ticket number], [ticket title], or [Requestor First Name] in brackets.

Step 3 - Open a service request ticket for TeamDynamix Administrator, attach the text, specify the ticket response template category, and submit.



You will be able to request new ticket response templates.

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Further Readings

TeamDynamix: Basic Navigation & Ticketing Reference Manual - valid through May 31, 2025

Getting Started With TeamDynamix Ticketing - available after May 31, 2025


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