EAB Navigate360: Tags

Task: This article will cover adding a Tag to a student for easy searching, filtering and grouping.


Tags are set up by system administrators and can not be created by the user. If there is a need for a Tag that does not exist and there is a strong use case for adding a Tag, please use the form link HERE to request the Tag be added.

Adding a tag to a student:

  1. Locate the student record
  2. Scroll down the page to the section titled "Tags"
  3. Use the "Add Tag" icon and select the appropriate tag from the list
  4. Multiple Tags can be associated to the student

Removing a Tag from a student record:

  1. Locate the student record
  2. Scroll down the page to the section titled "Tags"
  3. Select the Tag by using the check box to the left of the tag, once selected, click on Remove at the top of the section. 

Searching Tags:

  1. To see if a tag has been applied to a student, you can use the Search in Results field. 
  2. Enter the name of the tag you are looking for, press Enter
  3. Tags meeting that criteria will show

Reporting on Tags:

  1. Under Advanced Search
  2. turn on "Show Advanced Filters" in the upper right
  3. User Student Information section, select the Tag you would like to search on
  4. Once the values are returned, the user can save this Search for future user. See article: EAB (Navigate) - Saving Advanced Searches


Users will understand how to add and remove tags to students through Navigate

Further reading: 

EAB (Navigate) Web Form Request Tag

EAB (Navigate) - Saving Advanced Searches

Need additional help?

Please use this link to the Technology Help Desk to locate your local campus contact information. 

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Article ID: 649
Fri 7/19/19 5:30 PM
Thu 10/10/24 2:11 PM
Applicable Institution(s):
Keene State College (KSC)
Plymouth State University (PSU)
University of New Hampshire (UNH)