Privileged Access Management

If you require privileged access for your user account on your USNH computer, you may request access to ET&S Privileged Access Management (PAM) tool IF there is a legitimate business requirement for you to perform actions requiring elevated user privileges on a consistent basis.

Review the following before submitting a request:

  • If you are trying to install software, first check to see if the software is already available to USNH-managed computers. Open Company Portal (Windows) / Self-Service (Mac) and search for the software you need.  If it is listed there, then you can install it without needing Administrator privileges.
  • The standard for justification of access to PAM requires that you have a legitimate reason for use of elevated privileges exceeding 10 separate instances over the course of one year, on average.
  • If the software is not on Company Portal/Self-Service but this is a one-time request OR if you do not meet the frequency of use justification, please fill out the ET&S Service Desk webform to request assistance.

Before submitting a request for PAM access, please watch and read the training and informational material in this article: BeyondTrust Privileged Access Management Tool: Using the Tool. You will be required to confirm that you have completed this when submitting your PAM request.

Access to the PAM tool requires you to review, complete, and submit the USNH Privileged Access Management Tool Agreement form, attached to this request page (see Attachments). Please download this PDF form, fill in the required information, and save it as an attachment to your PAM request form when you submit it. You will be asked to confirm completion of this agreement when you submit this request. Failure to do so will result in rejection of your request

You will be required to identify the computer and describe the specific application, installation, or other function for which Administrator privileges are required.

Once you submit your request, it will be forwarded to your supervisor for them to review and approve. The Identity and Access Management (IAM) team will then review your request and approve or deny it at their discretion. If approved, the IAM team will automatically deploy the PAM tool to your specified workstation. You will be notified when the request is completed.

NOTE: Maintaining PAM access is dependent on adherence to the aforementioned use agreement, and upon proven necessity based on frequency of use. If ET&S determines that you do not utilize PAM privileges frequently enough to justify your access to it, or that you are using it in a manner inconsistent with the use agreement, they reserve the right to revoke access at their discretion.

Once the PAM tool is installed and active on your workstation, be aware that PAM will monitor and log ALL processes on the workstation, regardless of whether you are actively using elevated privileges or not.

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Service ID: 600
Wed 2/14/24 1:40 PM
Tue 7/9/24 3:29 PM