Teams Chat: Managing Chat Sessions


This article provides instructions on how to leave a chat in Microsoft Teams, as well as how to hide or mute a chat session.

Follow the links to the task you want to achieve:



Task: To hide a chat session.

While you can't delete an entire chat, you can hide a chat from your chat list if it's not relevant to you anymore.


Step 1 - Select Chat Open chat button to open the chat list.

Step 2 - Next to the chat you want to hide, select More options More options button > Hide.



Your chat has been hidden.

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Task: To reveal a hidden chat session.

To reveal a chat that is hidden, use search to find the chat session and change the setting.



Step 1 - In the Search boxSelect to start a the top, type a word or phrase that's included in the chat that you want to reveal (such as the sender or a participant's name).

Step 2 - Choose the hidden chat that you want to reveal, select Chat Open chat button in the left toolbar. The chat session displays in the chat feed again.

Step 3 - In the chat, select More options More options button > Unhide.



The selected chat session is revealed.

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Task: To mute a chat session.

When you mute a chat, you'll still be included in the conversation, but won't get notifications from it.



Step 1 - Select Chat Open chat button to open the chat list.

Step 2 - Find the name of the chat you want to mute.

Step 3 - Select More options More options button > Mute. If you change your mind, select it again and choose Unmute.



An icon appears next to the names of the participants to remind you that the chat has been muted.

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Task: To leave a group chat session.

You cannot currently delete Teams chat conversations. It is possible to delete conversations within a Teams channel but not in an individual chat.

After you join a group chat, you can decide whether you want to remain a member or leave the group chat. You can also remove people from a group chat.

Tip: If you're considering leaving a group because you're being inundated by notifications about new messages, you can instead just turn off notifications  or mute the chat  from that group.



Step 1 - Select Chat Open chat button to open the chat list.

Step 2 - Find the name of the group.

Step 3 - Select More options > Leave.


Select More options > Leave in Teams.







Note: If you change your mind, ask someone in the group for an invitation.



You are no longer part of the group.

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Task: To remove people from a group chat session.

To allow members to remove each other from a group chat session, your Teams administrator needs to activate the setting. People removed from a chat session are able to view previous chat history, but cannot send new messages, react to messages, view new conversations or files shared by the group. If someone has been removed or decides to leave a group chat, their chat messages are still there in your chat history. Any changes to the chat history can be seen by them, so try to avoid editing these messages.



Step 1 - Open any group chat of three or more people and go to the top of the chat where it tells you the number of participants.

Step 2 - Hover on the number of participants.

Step 3 - Hover on the person's name you want to remove.

Step 4 - Select the X and confirm you want to remove the participant from the chat session.

Remove people from a group chat in Teams.








An update in the chat session informs everyone that you've removed the person.

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Further Readings

Manage notifications in Teams 

Hide, unhide, mute, or pin a chat in Teams 


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Article ID: 3097
Fri 10/2/20 5:23 PM
Thu 4/25/24 11:47 AM
Applicable Institution(s):
Keene State College (KSC)
Plymouth State University (PSU)
University of New Hampshire (UNH)
USNH System Office