This article provides information on connecting to Eduroam on an Android Device. To connect, specific network connection types are required. Additionally, if you are using specific versions of Android or Google devices you might need to include "" as the domain.
Note: If you change your USNH Microsoft account password, you will need to reconnect to eduroam using these same steps. We highly recommend forgetting the network and going through the steps below to connect again.
Task: To connect to Eduroam on an Android Device
IMPORTANT: We are aware of certificate issues with some Android and Google devices. When prompted to validate the certificate, be sure to choose "Do Not Verify" (or similar wording), which is shown in Step 6. If you are prompted for a "Domain", see Step 4a.
Step 1 - Click "Settings" on your device

Step 2 - Click "Connections", then click "Wifi"
Step 3 - Click "eduroam"

Step 4 - Click on "EAP method" and select "PEAP"

Step 4a - If your phone prompts you for a "Domain", enter "" regardless of the campus you are on. This section will not appear for most current Android and Google devices.

Step 5 - For "Identity", enter your USNH email address ( For "Password", enter your USNH account’s password (the same one you use to login to Microsoft)

Step 6 - Under CA Certificate select "Don’t validate"

Step 6a – On some older Android devices, you might not see the option for “Don’t validate”. In that case:
- Under CA certificate, choose the option for “Use system certificates”.
- Then in Online Certificate Status, choose “Request status”.
- Lastly, in the section that appears for Domain, enter “”, regardless of the campus you are on.

Step 7 - Click on "View more" to expand the options available

Step 8 - Click on "Phase 2 authentication" and select the option “MSCHAPV2”

Step 9 - Click "Connect" at the bottom of the options

You should now be connected to eduroam, and your Wi-Fi options screen should look like this:

Note: If you change your USNH Microsoft account password, you will need to reconnect to eduroam using these same steps. We highly recommend forgetting the network (steps below) and going through the steps above to connect again.
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Task: To forget the network on an Android Device
Step 1 - Click on the Gear icon to the right of the network’s name in Wi-Fi

Step 2 - Click "Forget" (trash-can icon ) at the bottom of the screen

The network settings have been "forgotten" and you can proceed to connect again using the steps above.
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Further Readings
Connecting to the USNH Wireless Network using Laptops, Tablets, or Phones
Connecting to Open Guest Wireless
Need additional help?
Visit the ET&S Help Desk Support page to locate your local campus contact information or to submit an online technology support request. For password issues you must call or visit the Help Desk in person.