This article explains how to set up the FREE Microsoft Authenticator app for multi-factor authentication (MFA) for M365 using only your mobile phone or mobile device. Use these instructions if you want to add the Authenticator mobile app but do not have access to a computer.
Warning: Be sure you select the "Microsoft Authenticator" app provided by the Microsoft Corporation for FREE. Several other apps with similar names have similar icons but are not the trusted, free Microsoft app.
Icon for the Microsoft Authenticator app provided by the Microsoft Corporation. This is a FREE app - do not pay for an app for this purpose.
Step 1 - In a web browser, go to: and sign in if prompted.
Step 2 - Tap on UPDATE INFO in the Security info tile.

Step 3 - On the Security info page, tap on the + sign to Add sign-in method

Step 4 - In the Add a method box, tap on the Choose a method menu.

Step 5 - From the Pop-out menu choose Authenticator app

Step 6 - In the Add a method box, tap on Add

Step 7 - Tap on Download now if the Microsoft Authenticator application is not already installed. Follow the steps to install the app. Otherwise, if the app is already installed, skip to step 8.

Step 8 - Return to the browser page shown in step 7. Tap Next.

Step 9 - Tap on Pair your account to the app by clicking this link, then tap Open if prompted.

Step 10 - Tap Next. This should prompt for approval of a push notification

Step 11 - Once approved, a screen will appear showing the notification was approved. Tap Next to return to the Security info page. You're all set and can now use the Microsoft Authenticator app for Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA).

Step 12 - We strongly recommend that you also set up one or more backup methods to use if your primary method is not available. Follow on-screen prompts to add as many back up methods as you desire from the Choose a method drop down (Step 3 above). See detailed instructions here - MFA: Adding Backup Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) Methods .
Example: Choose other method(s) for Microsoft MFA

Possible methods include:
- Call my authentication phone
- Text a code to my authentication phone
- Call my office phone
- Notify me through a mobile app (as just set up above)
- Use verification code from app or token - this includes modern YubiKeys
See this article which explains how each MFA method behaves as you login to resources such as email or Canvas using Microsoft login: Choosing a preferred method of Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) for M365.
Users who have set up Multi factor Authentication for M365 will be prompted to MFA periodically when signing into Email, Teams, OneDrive sync, and other M365 tools on both their computers and their mobile devices. As other applications (such as Zoom, Kaltura, and Canvas) move into the Seamless Single Sign-On (SSO) environment, users may be prompted to MFA when logging into those applications as well.
Further Readings
MFA: Multi-factor Authentication and USNH Systems
MFA: Choosing a preferred method of Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) for M365
MFA: Installing the Microsoft Authenticator App
MFA: Adding Backup Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) Methods
MFA: Using Authenticator App without Cell Service
MFA: Setting up Authenticator on a new phone
MFA: Setting up Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) for M365 - using a computer (recommended method)
Seamless Single Sign-On (SSO) Project Information
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