This article walks you through getting set up in Teams Meetings, installing Teams Meetings, starting a meeting, and hosting a meeting.
Getting Started
Getting Set Up
It's best to start by making sure you have the Teams Desktop Application and opening that up.
If you then go to the calendar icon, it is a great place to see upcoming Teams Meetings and to schedule other meetings. You can also schedule meetings from Outlook

Highlights of the Calendar:
- Finding the Meet Now button which allows you to schedule impromptu meetings
- Joining a meeting with the Meeting ID
- Editing your upcoming meetings and settings
For iOS and Android devices, please visit the App Store or Google Play to install the Teams mobile apps.
Starting A Meeting:
Teams offer you several ways to start both impromptu and your scheduled meetings.
- From Teams Application (both)
- From your mobile device (both)
- Your Outlook Calendar (scheduled)
- Browsers (both -- Google Chrome & Microsoft Edge are recommended)
- You can also make impromptu Teams calls using the chat directly to individuals or to group chats.
Hosting A Meeting - The basics
- Mute your mic if others are presenting/speaking
- Mute all the participants if you are hosting a larger meeting (done via the participant's icon)
- Have the content you intend to share prepared ahead of time
- Close applications that have pop-up notifications if you intend to share your full desktop
- Use Gallery View for smaller group/team meetings
- Share specific Applications to control displayed content
Hosting A Meeting - Things to Consider
We strongly recommend testing your Audio and Video settings prior to hosting an important meeting. The below can be configured both before and during a meeting if needed.
- Make sure to choose the correct audio input and output sources and levels
- Make sure to choose the correct camera for the meeting if more than one option is available
Turn the camera on!
And encourage others to do so in the meetings you host.
- Lighting should come from in front of you to avoid casting shadows on your face.
- Think about your background. Can you make it interesting but not distracting?
Make Eye Contact
- Try to look at your webcam versus the screen
- Use the gestures and mannerisms that you would typically use in person.
- When viewing the video feed of others, try moving that feed to a monitor position just below your webcam to make this easier.
Further Readings
MS Teams: Accessing Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Support - Start an instant meeting in Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Support - Customize your meeting view in Microsoft Teams
Need additional help?
For assistance concerning site creation, content sharing, file synchronization, or other common SharePoint, OneDrive, Teams, or Office app activities, we recommend our Microsoft 365 Learning sites:
Learn more about the great tools our Microsoft 365 Learning sites offer!
Visit the Technology Help Desk Support page to locate your local campus contact information or to submit an online technology support request. For password issues you must call or visit the Help Desk in person.