This article provides instructions on how to create your staffing list in the Microsoft Bookings app.
Task: To add staff.
Step 1 - In Office 365, select the app launcher, and then select Bookings.

Step 2 - In the navigation pane, select Staff.

Step 3 - Select Add staff.

Step 4 - Select a color for the staff member, provide their initials, name, email address, and phone number.
Step 5 - Set the access level for this employee. Choices are:
Role |
What this means |
What the user can do in Bookings |
Administrator |
Staff member has an Office 365 account |
- Edit all settings
- Add and remove staff
- Create, edit, or delete bookings
Viewer |
Staff member has an Office 365 account |
- See their own bookings on their personal calendar
- Receive a meeting invitation when assigned to a booking so they can add it to their personal calendar (valid email address required)
- Receive email reminders of upcoming bookings
- Receive notifications of cancellations and changes
Guest |
Staff member doesn't have an Office 365 account |
- Be signed up to deliver booked services but cannot access Bookings
- Receive a meeting invitation when assigned to a booking so they can add it to their personal calendar (valid email address required)
- Receive email reminders of upcoming bookings
- Receive notifications of cancellations and changes
Step 6 - Select Save.
Note: When an employee is added in the organization as a staff member (as a guest, admin, or viewer), the employee receives an email letting them know that their availability may be shared, and that they could be booked through a booking page.

Step 7 - Repeat steps 1 through 6 for each staff member.
A member is added to the staff list.
Further Readings
Bookings: Creating and Staffing Bookings
Bookings: Defining your Service Offerings
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