Canvas (myCourses): What happens to my access when I leave the institution?


This article contains information on what happens to Canvas access when you depart one of the USNH institutions.



Password Policy

In the sections below, any account access is provided to a user only as long as they continue to comply with USNH Password Policy.  In particular, passwords must be changed at least once per year.


Faculty & Staff

The Human Resources system controls all aspects of job classification, job start date, and job end (termination) date.  The job termination date is the last day of work for the employee and the last date of automatically provided account access.

  • For USNH Staff, access to all computer and email accounts, including cloud storage files (such as OneDrive and SharePoint), associated with the individual leaving the University is disabled overnight after the termination date.
  • For USNH Faculty *, there is generally a faculty grace period after the job termination date before account access is removed.  The length of the faculty grace period is controlled by Human Resources and depends on the campus, any collective bargaining agreements, the specific job classification or type of faculty appointment, etc.  When the grace period runs out, access to all computer and email accounts, including cloud storage files (such as OneDrive and SharePoint), associated with the individual leaving the University is disabled overnight after the end of the faculty grace period

For more information about the account removal process, refer to this article: USNH Accounts: Employee Account Deactivation



Keene State College (KSC)

KSC removes student accounts twice a year – a month into the start of both the fall and spring semesters. May graduates are removed during the fall cycle. December graduates are given an exception since many walk in May and get removed in the fall cycle as well. If a student is not registered for a credit course, on an official leave of absence, or does not have some other type of exception, their account is flagged for removal. For more information about the process, refer to this article: FAQs for Graduating and Departing Students


Plymouth State University (PSU)

PSU Alumni retain access to IT resources until a month into the start of the semester following graduation.  At that time, their account automatically transitions to an Alumni Account where they retain access to just their PSU e-mail account indefinitely (as long as their password complies with USNH Password Policy).  For more information about the process, refer to this article: FAQs for Graduating and Departing Students


University of New Hampshire (UNH)

As a general rule, all departing students (graduating or no longer attending/registered) will retain access to UNH IT resources until 30 days after the start of the next semester (R+30).  For example, students who last attended in May will have access until early October. Students who last attended in the fall semester (December) will have access until mid-February. To learn more, refer to this article: FAQs for Graduating and Departing Students


UNH College of Professional Studies Online (UNH-CPSO)

UNH CPS Online students retain access to Canvas and WebCat for 3 years after graduation. Students only retain access to M365 (Email, OneDrive, Office) for 18 months. Students that are not registered or actively taking courses will lose their access after 3 years. 

Non-degree students retain access to WebCat for 1 year after completing their last course. 


Further Readings

FAQs for Graduating and Departing Students

OneDrive: Moving Institutional Files to SharePoint before leaving USNH - for USNH owned/shared data

OneDrive: Copying Personal Files/Folders before Leaving the University - for personal data

USNH Accounts: Employee Account Deactivation

USNH Password Policy 


Need additional help?

Visit the Technology Help Desk Support page to locate your local campus contact information or to submit an online technology support request.  For password issues you must call or visit the Help Desk in person.  


Article ID: 3197
Wed 11/25/20 8:50 AM
Thu 11/30/23 4:11 PM
Applicable Institution(s):
Keene State College (KSC)
Plymouth State University (PSU)
University of New Hampshire (UNH)