Task: This article will step Paul College Faculty through the process of completing and submitting their FAR.
Log into myElements using your standard UNH credentials
Ensure that you have entered all of the necessary information that you would like to include on your FAR for the current year.
- If you do not see activity you are expecting, ensure that the dates for those activities fall within the current FAR cycle dates. July 1 through June 30.
- After information has been input to the system, Click the Menu tab at the top of the page
- Under the build section select "2024-2025 Paul College Tenure-Track Faculty Activity Report"
- Once you have read the information on the next page, choose "Start"
- Starting with Narrative, Using the View List option, select Add Item
- Use the text fields provided to enter in your answers to the respective questions. You can copy and paste from another document. Please keep in mind these are short answer and only allow 2000 characters. If you enter more than that the text will be truncated.
- If you back out without completing, then go back in using the Add Item again, the system will create a second entry of Narrative items. To go back and complete or edit your current narrative, you will want to click the section title "Narrative", scroll to the bottom, Select View Item and then Edit Narrative. This will open your current entries.
- Once complete select Save and Exit
Next Move into Scholarship, again use the View List option and Select Items
- If you receive a message "There are no eligible items matching the current filter settings." this means that you have no matching items added in from the home screen for Scholarship for the current reporting period of July 1 to June 30th.
- Use the filters on the right side to narrow options.
- Once complete select the blue Done icon at the top of the section
Next Move into Instruction and Mentoring, again use the View List option and Select Items
- Using the "select for instruction" icon, click to add the respective listing to your FAR report.
- Once complete select the blue Done icon at the top of the section
Next Move into University (department, college, university) and Professional Service, again use the View List option and Select Items
- Using the "select for Service" icon, click to add the respective listing to your FAR report. Use the filters on the right side to narrow options.
- Once complete select the blue Done icon at the top of the section
Finally, Move into Research Funding, again use the View List option and Select Items
- Using the "select for Funding" icon, click to add the respective listing to your FAR report.
- Once complete select the blue Done icon at the top of the section
As you move through the process, the system will provide a summary of what has been added to each section:

By clicking on the section title, you can review the items listed for each section.
Users also have the ability to reorder items in each section.
Once complete with the FAR, its recommended that you Use the option to Export to Word or PDF. This is completed by using the icon in the lower right, directly under the Summary area.
From this point you are able to submit the report for Department Review using the Icon in the lower right, directly under the Summary area. Once moved to Department Review the report is locked and no edits can be made. The Department Chair or Admin would need to move the report back in order for you to make edits. Requests are made directly to the Department Chair.
What users can expect to happen after completing the steps in the how-to knowledge base article.
Need additional help?
Please fill out the myElements webform with as much information as possible, or contact the ET&S Help Desk team on your local campus.