Travelling internationally? Don't lose access to your USNH resources! Follow a few simple steps before you travel to preserve your access while you are away. For students, faculty, and staff at all USNH institutions.
This article provides steps to take before travelling to be sure to maintain access to important resources such as Outlook email, myCourses (Canvas), OneDrive, WebCat, Banner Self-Service, WISE, etc.
Many of these resources are protected by multi-factor authentication (MFA). It's important to have several methods of MFA set up so if one stops working, you have other options to use so you can still log in.
- SMS Text is convenient, but doesn't work if you have a different phone or SIM card while travelling. It also doesn't work if you are out of cell service range.
- The Microsoft Authenticator mobile app can provide an MFA code even when you have no cell or wifi coverage
- Setting up multiple, backup methods of MFA helps ensure you can access your school resources when you need to, even while travelling.
It is also important to be sure your password stays active while you travel. Changing your password shortly before you travel ensures your password complies with current password policies and works on all your devices and apps during your trip.
Task List
BEFORE you travel abroad
Review our Cybersecurity Tips for International Travel and complete these tasks:
- Install and set up the Microsoft Authenticator app for MFA - the app works on both tablets and phones, and can give you an MFA code even without WiFi or cell service.
- Confirm your backup MFA methods and confirm you have access to them.
- Change your password the week before you leave, to be sure it doesn't expire while you are away.
- Test your new password with MFA to verify your resources work on all your computers, phones, tablets, or other devices - before you leave.
DURING your travel
- Add new phone number(s) you use while travelling (new SIM, different phone, etc.) to your backup MFA list.
BEFORE you travel abroad
Review our Cybersecurity Tips for International Travel and complete these tasks:
Task A: Install and set up the Microsoft Authenticator app for MFA.
The Microsoft Authenticator app:
- works on both tablets and phones.
- can give you an MFA code even without WiFi or cell service.
- can be installed on multiple devices (e.g. both phone and tablet).
Installing and setting up the app BEFORE you travel ensures you will be able to get an MFA code when you need it, as long as you have access to a device where it's set up.
Step 1 - Install the FREE Microsoft Authenticator app on your mobile device. Be sure you choose the correct, free app from Microsoft. See detailed instructions in MFA: Installing the Microsoft Authenticator App
Step 2 - Set up the Authenticator app for MFA by connecting the app to your USNH Microsoft account.
Step 3 - Repeat this task for each mobile device that you want to set up with the Microsoft Authenticator app.
You have installed and set up the Microsoft Authenticator app on one (or more) mobile device(s) that you will have with you while travelling.
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Task B: Confirm your backup MFA methods and confirm you have access to them.
Many USNH resources are protected by multi-factor authentication (MFA). It's important to have several methods of MFA set up before you travel, so if one stops working you have other options for logging in.
- SMS Text is convenient, but doesn't work if you have a different phone or SIM card while travelling. It also doesn't work if you are out of cell service range.
- The Microsoft Authenticator mobile app can provide an MFA code even when you have no cell or wifi coverage
- Setting up multiple, backup methods of MFA helps ensure you can access your school resources when you need to, even while travelling.
If your favorite method of MFA sign-in stops working, you have the option to Choose another sign-in method. You can have many different backup methods, and the more you have, the more options you have to sign-in if you need it.
Note: For Password Recovery methods (as opposed to MFA verification methods), also see our article on Updating Security Info for password recovery and MFA verification .
Step 1 - In a web browser, go to: and sign in if necessary.
- If prompted by Microsoft to Pick an account, be sure the account you choose has your (e.g. Enter your current password on the next screen. If Pick an account shows your campus email address, choose "Use another account" instead.
- If a generic Microsoft Sign in screen asks for your "Email or phone", enter your (e.g. then enter your current password on the next screen.
- If required, verify your identity with one of your multi-factor authentication (MFA) sign-in methods.
Step 2 - Click on UPDATE INFO in the Security info tile or click Security info in the left navigation bar. Sign in or MFA again if prompted.
Step 3 - You will see a list of your existing MFA sign-in methods. You should have multiple methods listed here.
Step 4 - Review your list of MFA sign-in methods and confirm you have access to all the methods and devices listed.
- Make sure phone number(s) are correct. Click the Change link to enter and confirm a different phone number if needed.
- We suggest you keep your local cell phone number for when you return and simply add your travel phone number as an Alternate phone.
- See Step 3 above to add an alternate phone number, if needed.
- Confirm you have access to the Microsoft Authenticator devices listed.
- Verify you have your YubiKey (Security key) if you have one listed.
Step 5 - Test your Microsoft MFA sign-in methods
- Open an incognito/private browser window and sign into
- You will see your Default sign-in method along with a message "Having trouble? Sign in another way".
- To test a different method, click the link to Sign in another way, then choose the method you want to test.
- Follow the prompts to sign into
- Repeat these steps in a new incognito/private browser window until you have tested all your backup methods and confirmed they work.
- If any method doesn't work, delete it. Add more backup methods if needed.
You have backup methods of Microsoft MFA available if you need them.
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Task C: Change your password the week before you leave, to be sure it doesn't expire while you are away.
Per USNH Password Policy , passwords must be changed annually. You may change your password at any time and that starts the year count-down over again. By changing your password shortly before you travel, you know your password should be good for the following year, barring certain circumstances (like a phishing scam) which may force you to change your password sooner.
Step 1 - Browse to and sign in with your current username and password.
Step 3 - Go through the screens to set a new password. For more information, see detailed steps in MyAccount: Changing Your Password
Attention faculty & staff with university-issued computers: After you change your password, use one of the articles below to update any saved or cached passwords on your devices, and to synchronize your initial login password. Failing to clear old passwords may result in being locked out of your account.
Note: If you are working remotely, off-campus and your university-issued computer is not accepting your new password, please connect to the VPN and Lock your computer. This allows your computer to sync your new password for use. See the articles linked above for more details.
You have changed your USNH password. USNH Password Policy requires a change once per year though certain circumstances may force you to change your password earlier.
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Task D: Test your new password with MFA to verify your resources work on all your computers, phones, tablets, or other devices - before you leave.
Practice signing into the resources you expect to use while traveling, to be sure you are able to use your new password and the Microsoft Authenticator app as an option for each resource on every device you plan to use while traveling.
Important: If you see a Microsoft Sign in screen asking for "Email or phone" or "Email, phone, or Skype", put in your instead of your campus email address.
Step 1 - Make a list of the USNH resources you may need while traveling, such as your Outlook email, OneDrive, myCourses, UNH WebCat, PSU Self Service, MyKSC, WISE, etc.
Step 2 - Choose one of your devices to test, such as your laptop, mobile phone, tablet, or other device.
Step 3 - On your selected device, go through the list of resources you made in Step 1. For each resource:
- Decide if you plan to use that resource on this device. If not, skip to the next resource on your list. Repeat this step until you reach a resource that you plan to use on this device.
- Log out of the resource on this device if you are currently logged in.
- Close the web browser or app (swipe it away on iOS, close it on Android or Windows laptop, quit it on Mac laptop), depending on how you were using that resource on this device.
- Re-open the web browser or app and log back into the resource on this device.
- If you see a Microsoft Sign in screen asking for "Email, phone, or Skype", put in your instead of your campus email address.
- If asked to MFA, test using the Microsoft Authenticator app option, to verify it works for this resource.
- Then sign in with your new password.
- Repeat steps 2-4 for each resource that you plan to use on this device.
- If you need help accessing any of your resources, reach out to the Technology Help Desk for assistance. For password issues you must call or visit the Help Desk in person.
Step 4 - Repeat all of Step 3 above for each selected device.
You are able to use your new password and the Microsoft Authenticator app as an MFA option to access any of your USNH resources on any of your devices.
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DURING your travel
Task E: Add new phone number(s) you use while travelling (new SIM, different phone, etc.) to your backup MFA list.
As you travel, you may switch SIM cards or use a different phone. Microsoft MFA allows international phone numbers, so you can add your travel phone as one of the MFA Sign-in methods for convenience during your trip. You will still have the Microsoft Authenticator app as a backup in case your registered phone number(s) are not available or don't have coverage.
Important: The phone you want to add must be with you and have service. These steps only work if you can use this phone during the process.
Step 1 - In a web browser, go to: and sign in if prompted.
- If prompted by Microsoft to Pick an account, be sure the account you choose has your (e.g. Enter your current password on the next screen. If Pick an account shows your campus email address, choose "Use another account" instead.
- If a generic Microsoft Sign in screen asks for your "Email or phone", enter your (e.g. then enter your current password on the next screen.
- If required, verify your identity with one of your multi-factor authentication (MFA) sign-in methods.
Step 2 - Click on UPDATE INFO in the Security info tile or click Security info in the left navigation bar. Sign in or MFA again if prompted.
Step 3 - You will see a list of your existing MFA sign-in methods. Click Add sign-in method.
Step 4 - Choose Phone, Office phone (voice only), or Alternate phone and click Add.
If there are no phone options under Add sign-in method, then you will have to Change one of your existing phone entries instead. Choose which listed phone you want to replace and click Change next to that number.
Step 5 - Fill in the Phone options:
- Choose the country of the phone number you are adding from the drop-down list
- Type the new phone number in the box
- Choose Text me a code to get an SMS Text message with a numerical code OR
- Choose Call me to get a phone call and press # to confirm
- When ready, click Next to proceed

Step 6 - Using the phone you are adding:
- If you selected Text me a code, open the text and type in the code where requested
- If you selected Call me, answer the call and press # when requested
You have added a new or different phone to your list of MFA methods.
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Campus Global Engagement Offices
UNH Global -
Keene Global Education Office -
Plymouth Global Engagement Office -
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Further Readings
MFA: Installing the Microsoft Authenticator App
MFA: Setting up Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) for M365
MFA: Setting up the Microsoft Authenticator App using Mobile Phone/Device only
MyAccount: Updating Security Info for password recovery and MFA verification
MFA: Adding Backup Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) Methods
MFA: Setting up YubiKey for Microsoft Authentication
MyAccount: Changing Your Password
Staff and Faculty: How to update Windows devices after changing or resetting your password
Staff and Faculty: How to update Apple devices (MacOS) after changing or resetting your password
USNH Password Policy
USNH Cybersecurity Tips for International Travel
UNH International Travel Policy - OLPM UNH.III.O
Need additional help?
Visit the Technology Help Desk Support page to locate your local campus contact information or to submit an online technology support request. For password issues you must call or visit the Help Desk in person.